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by purplesquid
21 Apr 2023, 16:55
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: Most cards in the game sorted by their total value based on gather-rates
Replies: 2
Views: 809
Flag: No Flag

Re: Most cards in the game sorted by their total value based on gather-rates

Very useful. Thank you for taking the time to put this all together
by purplesquid
23 Jun 2020, 15:50
Forum: General
Topic: Is Rockies a hated map, and if so why??
Replies: 19
Views: 755
Flag: No Flag

Re: Is Rockies a hated map, and if so why??

I have always kinda liked Rockies but was not considered a standard map for some reason so no one ever really played it on RE
by purplesquid
18 Jun 2020, 05:09
Forum: ESOC Patch Discussion
Topic: Spectator UI enhancements on EP
Replies: 13
Views: 1184
Flag: No Flag

Re: Spectator UI enhancements on EP

If it's possible to display "optimal" villager count that would be very interesting. What do i mean? What is the ideal villager amount you could have (including shipments, manors, age-ups, continuous training). Then you compare that with vills, vills lost to see how many were lost due to ...
by purplesquid
23 Mar 2020, 21:57
Forum: General
Topic: impossible MU ??
Replies: 72
Views: 2317
Flag: No Flag

Re: impossible MU ??

chronique wrote:
purplesquid wrote:Random question but I assume that this raw data came from somewhere?

Could someone share the link or how to access it? I really do like this type of analysis :)
I have scrapped from esoc elo and you can found the data here :
Thank you!
by purplesquid
23 Mar 2020, 21:42
Forum: General
Topic: impossible MU ??
Replies: 72
Views: 2317
Flag: No Flag

Re: impossible MU ??

Random question but I assume that this raw data came from somewhere?

Could someone share the link or how to access it? I really do like this type of analysis :)
by purplesquid
22 Mar 2020, 22:16
Forum: Site Suggestions
Topic: Most Efficient Way to Donate
Replies: 23
Views: 1069
Flag: No Flag

Re: Most Efficient Way to Donate

Also noticed that you can cheer on the twitch channel. I assume that is more efficient than subs but less efficient than directly donating?
by purplesquid
22 Mar 2020, 22:13
Forum: Site Suggestions
Topic: Most Efficient Way to Donate
Replies: 23
Views: 1069
Flag: No Flag

Re: Most Efficient Way to Donate

Yeah was also wondering how significant the fees are. If they are say 1% then it really does not matter however if it is like 10% (or even 5%) then maybe it would make sense to do some financial engineering. For example if I wanted to donate $250 right now then instead of sending to ESOC I could jus...
by purplesquid
22 Mar 2020, 21:34
Forum: Site Suggestions
Topic: Most Efficient Way to Donate
Replies: 23
Views: 1069
Flag: No Flag

Re: Most Efficient Way to Donate

As far as I know, donating throw twitch (especially sub) is not the most efficient way to donate. This was my understanding as well after doing some outside research but I wanted an admin to confirm. I may go from a tier 3 sub down to a tier 1 and then donate the difference directly but would reall...
by purplesquid
22 Mar 2020, 21:16
Forum: Site Suggestions
Topic: Most Efficient Way to Donate
Replies: 23
Views: 1069
Flag: No Flag

Most Efficient Way to Donate

I was wondering what the most efficient way to donate. To my knowledge there are three ways to donate: 1) Twitch subs (tiers 1-3) 2) Donation through twitch link 3) Donation through website link (same as twitch link?) What is the fee structure for each out these methods (and any others I may have mi...
by purplesquid
03 Mar 2020, 19:18
Forum: General
Topic: Age of Empires III Collectors Edition Art Book — online!
Replies: 19
Views: 2494
Flag: No Flag

Re: Age of Empires III Collectors Edition Art Book — online!

got an eBay/Amazon link? but I've just bought one, and it said it was the last :?: :geek: Just checked and there are multiple sellers offering the book in various conditions (price for Used-Very Good about $11 up to $45 for New...
by purplesquid
09 Feb 2020, 22:20
Forum: Round of 32
Topic: Stanley_Winston vs. purple_squid
Replies: 6
Views: 487
Flag: No Flag

Re: Stanley_Winston vs. purple_squid

I can play now (will be online in game for the next couple of hours)
by purplesquid
09 Feb 2020, 20:38
Forum: Round of 32
Topic: Stanley_Winston vs. purple_squid
Replies: 6
Views: 487
Flag: No Flag

Re: Stanley_Winston vs. purple_squid

Hey so sorry for the long time responding! I can play anytime today (Sunday Feb 9th) or anytime this upcoming week after 2300 GMT or between 1100-1300 GMT
by purplesquid
26 Jan 2020, 19:16
Forum: Round of 64
Topic: purple_squid vs. BrookG
Replies: 9
Views: 674
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. BrookG

^^Sorry thought we were playing today. See you next Sunday at 1900 GMT
by purplesquid
26 Jan 2020, 19:05
Forum: Round of 64
Topic: purple_squid vs. BrookG
Replies: 9
Views: 674
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. BrookG

Ready when you are!
by purplesquid
26 Jan 2020, 07:52
Forum: Round of 64
Topic: purple_squid vs. BrookG
Replies: 9
Views: 674
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. BrookG

Play at 19:00 GMT?

Otherwise say 14:00 GMT?
by purplesquid
26 Jan 2020, 02:36
Forum: Round of 64
Topic: purple_squid vs. BrookG
Replies: 9
Views: 674
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. BrookG

Sunday would be best for me as I am in EST time zone. Otherwise I could wake up early and do 9:00 GMT on next Friday
by purplesquid
18 Jan 2020, 15:39
Forum: Qualifiers
Topic: purple_squid vs. rickybawse
Replies: 11
Views: 832
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. rickybawse

Not I said the cat. . .
by purplesquid
17 Jan 2020, 21:53
Forum: Qualifiers
Topic: purple_squid vs. rickybawse
Replies: 11
Views: 832
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. rickybawse

Not a problem
by purplesquid
14 Jan 2020, 22:02
Forum: Qualifiers
Topic: purple_squid vs. rickybawse
Replies: 11
Views: 832
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. rickybawse

Likely will stream on my channel FYI (
by purplesquid
14 Jan 2020, 22:01
Forum: Qualifiers
Topic: purple_squid vs. rickybawse
Replies: 11
Views: 832
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. rickybawse

Works for me!

Friday Jan 17th at 6pm EST (11pm GMT) confirmed

@Stream Management
by purplesquid
14 Jan 2020, 17:09
Forum: Qualifiers
Topic: purple_squid vs. rickybawse
Replies: 11
Views: 832
Flag: No Flag

Re: purple_squid vs. rickybawse

Hey so I am the GMT -5 timezone (EST). I would be available to play Friday after 10pm GMT or anytime Saturday
by purplesquid
11 Jul 2019, 23:09
Forum: General
Topic: Archer Accuracy
Replies: 24
Views: 1472
Flag: No Flag

Re: Archer Accuracy

BRING ME EAGLEMUT!! IIRC CKN miss a lot more, which tells us one thing, at least. Yes because they fire 3 arrows, so all those have the same chance to miss. Iirc its 10% chance to miss for every arrow. I remember I saw this when people were discussing ttm since 8bow vs 8 bow is bullshit when 1xbow ...
by purplesquid
08 Apr 2019, 18:21
Forum: General
Topic: Should the selection limit be removed?
Replies: 26
Views: 1662
Flag: No Flag

Re: Should the selection limit be removed?

The main time this is annoying is when I play Russia and am spamming strellets. I can have 50 Gendarmes in a control group but not 51 strellets? It is very easy as russia to go over this limit.

I would be interested in seeing it pop based at say 80ish population
by purplesquid
06 Apr 2019, 17:48
Forum: Strategy
Topic: Best Villager Count To Spend On Building Bank
Replies: 12
Views: 1315
Flag: No Flag

Re: Best Villager Count To Spend On Building Bank

I used to just build with 1 vill with Dutch as I assumed it did not matter. Will certainly change my play going forward. . .

Really like the thought process behind this analysis

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