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I recently noticed that if you call mm and your tc is destroyed before they arrive, you don't get refunded (I had cm and was calling 550*2 = 1100 res worth of mm lol), anyway shouldn't you be refunded just like you would be if you had vils in queue or age up?
- 18 Apr 2019, 11:38
- Forum: Lower Bracket Round 2
- Topic: ramex12 vs. raikou_
- Replies: 8
- Views: 651
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Re: ramex12 vs. raikou_
Yes sunday 15 gmt @Stream Management
- 18 Apr 2019, 07:08
- Forum: Lower Bracket Round 2
- Topic: ramex12 vs. raikou_
- Replies: 8
- Views: 651
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Re: ramex12 vs. raikou_
Should be fine, though I'd prefer earlier like 15 gmt if it's ok
- 16 Apr 2019, 11:51
- Forum: Lower Bracket Round 2
- Topic: ramex12 vs. raikou_
- Replies: 8
- Views: 651
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Re: ramex12 vs. raikou_
I veto Pampas Sierras
- 16 Apr 2019, 11:50
- Forum: Lower Bracket Round 2
- Topic: ramex12 vs. raikou_
- Replies: 8
- Views: 651
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Re: ramex12 vs. raikou_
Sunday should be fine for me too
- 15 Apr 2019, 18:03
- Forum: Round of 32
- Topic: snowww vs. ramex12
- Replies: 16
- Views: 1016
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Re: snowww vs. ramex12
I'll veto new england
- 13 Apr 2019, 14:37
- Forum: General
- Topic: New World Championship 2019 betting sign ups, info & rules
- Replies: 92
- Views: 5080
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- 10 Apr 2019, 09:38
- Forum: Round of 32
- Topic: snowww vs. ramex12
- Replies: 16
- Views: 1016
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Re: snowww vs. ramex12
It's perfect for me. So monday 19gmt it is
- 10 Apr 2019, 07:43
- Forum: Round of 32
- Topic: snowww vs. ramex12
- Replies: 16
- Views: 1016
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Re: snowww vs. ramex12
If I can play sunday (which is basically 50-50 chance) it will be like 22-23 my time so 20-21 gmt probably, which is quite late for erik. So I guess monday 19gmt would be better for you?
- 09 Apr 2019, 22:00
- Forum: Round of 32
- Topic: snowww vs. ramex12
- Replies: 16
- Views: 1016
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Re: snowww vs. ramex12
Well I'm skiing this week and I honestly don't know if I'll be back saturday late or sunday, it depends on the weather saturday afternoon, so I may be online sunday evening but can't promise unfortunately. If I can't make it it's very likely I'll be able to play monday evening, if you're available a...
- 05 Apr 2019, 22:48
- Forum: Round of 64
- Topic: ramex12 vs gran_dead
- Replies: 4
- Views: 532
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ramex12 vs gran_dead
[spoiler=Result]3-1 for ramex12[/spoiler]
- 05 Apr 2019, 08:42
- Forum: Round of 64
- Topic: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
- Replies: 22
- Views: 1318
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Re: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
colombus is UTC-4 so 11pm my time would be 5pm for him. anyway I'll be online from 11pm to like 1am, we'll see
- 05 Apr 2019, 08:25
- Forum: Round of 64
- Topic: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
- Replies: 22
- Views: 1318
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Re: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
I can only from 11pm my time so that'd be 01am gmt is that ok?
- 04 Apr 2019, 08:05
- Forum: Round of 64
- Topic: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
- Replies: 22
- Views: 1318
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Re: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
well thursday 5pm for you would be 11pm for me that's fine for me if it's ok for you. I'm ok friday 20gmt but I'd rather thursday, so that's be 21gmt if my calculations are correct :-)
- 03 Apr 2019, 08:14
- Forum: Round of 64
- Topic: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
- Replies: 22
- Views: 1318
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Re: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
Not but 1hour later, thursday 19:00 gmt, works for me, or even 20 gmt
- 02 Apr 2019, 23:38
- Forum: Round of 64
- Topic: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
- Replies: 22
- Views: 1318
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Re: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
Since you live in mexico I guess we should play either thursday evening for me (so afternoon for you) or friday evening for me
- 02 Apr 2019, 23:37
- Forum: Round of 64
- Topic: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
- Replies: 22
- Views: 1318
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Re: ramex12 vs. gran_dead
Hello, I can play wednesday afternoon, or thursday afternoon or evening or friday, after that i'm gone for the week on vacation
- 12 Feb 2019, 18:43
- Forum: Round of 8
- Topic: Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww vs. Tibia & ramex12
- Replies: 14
- Views: 1048
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- 11 Feb 2019, 11:49
- Forum: Round of 8
- Topic: Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww vs. Tibia & ramex12
- Replies: 14
- Views: 1048
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Re: VeniVidiVici_W & snowww vs. Tibia & ramex12
I can't saturday but I can on sunday 14 gmt
- 06 Feb 2019, 06:08
- Forum: Round of 8
- Topic: Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww vs. Tibia & ramex12
- Replies: 14
- Views: 1048
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Re: VeniVidiVici_W & snowww vs. Tibia & ramex12
I think he comes back on sunday, probably 2day long trip so I don't think we can play this sunday, we'll see
- 19 May 2018, 15:32
- Forum: Results
- Topic: ramex12 vs tabben
- Replies: 1
- Views: 433
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ramex12 vs tabben
[spoiler=Result]1-0 for ramex12[/spoiler]
- 06 May 2018, 18:32
- Forum: Results
- Topic: prince-ramex
- Replies: 4
- Views: 487
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1st game was casted, won by team ramex
- 06 May 2018, 16:49
- Forum: Results
- Topic: ramex12 vs Flontier
- Replies: 0
- Views: 274
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ramex12 vs Flontier
[spoiler=Result]1-0 for ramex12[/spoiler]
- 06 May 2018, 16:36
- Forum: Results
- Topic: ramex12 vs flontier
- Replies: 1
- Views: 361
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Re: ramex12 vs flontier
1-0 ramex
- 06 May 2018, 16:33
- Forum: Results
- Topic: ramex12 vs flontier
- Replies: 1
- Views: 361
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ramex12 vs flontier
1-0 ramex