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by InsectPoison
28 Oct 2024, 23:32
Forum: News
Topic: End of an era - ESO2 closing down
Replies: 45
Views: 6030
Flag: Great Britain

Re: End of an era - ESO2 closing down

howlingwolfpaw wrote:
28 Oct 2024, 23:13
Interesting or not.... all but one commenter on this post joined up in 2015!? what happened that year? Anything special to note?
Its when ESOC was founded
by InsectPoison
18 Dec 2023, 18:49
Forum: General
Topic: Aoe3 players in aoe4
Replies: 12
Views: 1816
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Aoe3 players in aoe4

Gave AoE4 a try but just couldn't get into yet. AoE3 is just vastly superior
by InsectPoison
14 Dec 2023, 22:17
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Music you're listening to
Replies: 3601
Views: 106734
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Music you're listening to

by InsectPoison
20 Sep 2023, 15:49
Forum: News
Replies: 36
Views: 5052
Flag: Great Britain


You'd think that we would see bigger and better tournaments with Microsoft being more actively involved in this community and game. Can't believe it has gone backwards.
by InsectPoison
27 Nov 2022, 18:06
Forum: General
Topic: Why do not more people play treaty?
Replies: 12
Views: 1469
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Why do not more people play treaty?

More of a time issue. Takes far too long setting up a lobby, waiting for people to join then you've still got 40 minutes before any action. Not to mention the random disconnections or game crashes.
by InsectPoison
02 Sep 2022, 15:37
Forum: General
Topic: Is aoe4 worth the switch/cost?
Replies: 18
Views: 3540
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Is aoe4 worth the switch/cost?

I tried AoE4 on the XBOX PC Game Pass but I just could'nt get into it. Just didn't like the return to AoE 2 style game and the graphics put me off. That's not me saying its a bad game, just for me personally I couldn't enjoy it. The best way to see if you'll like it is get it off game pass, Microsof...
by InsectPoison
15 Jun 2022, 21:22
Forum: ESOC Talk
Topic: ESOC history quiz
Replies: 92
Views: 5371
Flag: Great Britain

Re: ESOC history quiz

wtf i scored shit. this is a conspiracy!! still #modtheear
by InsectPoison
14 Jun 2022, 18:07
Forum: ESOC Talk
Topic: ESOC history quiz
Replies: 92
Views: 5371
Flag: Great Britain

Re: ESOC history quiz

love this
by InsectPoison
05 Jan 2022, 21:07
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Sim racing
Replies: 75
Views: 2397
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Sim racing

I've got a Logitech G29 that I use, mainly playing F1 2021 at the moment. really fun game.
by InsectPoison
06 Dec 2021, 23:07
Forum: General
Topic: Banned on Aussie Drongo Discord
Replies: 29
Views: 2751
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Banned on Aussie Drongo Discord

Discord mods are very reasonable people i tell you!
by InsectPoison
29 Nov 2021, 23:18
Forum: General
Topic: Favorite Moments in AOE3 History
Replies: 26
Views: 2455
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Favorite Moments in AOE3 History

Blackstar_OP vs H20 ESOC tourney final which went to the last game was one of the best series ive ever watched. Still remember that India vs Brit final game. Feels like a lifetime ago.
by InsectPoison
29 Nov 2021, 01:15
Forum: General
Topic: I found the First Hacker
Replies: 11
Views: 1070
Flag: Great Britain

Re: I found the First Hacker

post it on the official forums
by InsectPoison
19 Nov 2021, 15:32
Forum: General
Topic: can you make 200 dollar per month by streaming aoe3
Replies: 57
Views: 3521
Flag: Great Britain

Re: can you make 200 dollar per month by streaming aoe3

soo because of the Turkish lira getting worthless you can live in Turkey by making 250 dollar I have other incomes but I also want to make other incomes because I don't wanna take money from my parents and I wonder if I can make 100-200 dollar by streaming aoe3 and adding donation link etc. any ide...
by InsectPoison
17 Nov 2021, 22:21
Forum: Recorded games
Topic: Dutch vs Ottoman 1100 Elo (need advice)
Replies: 52
Views: 3595
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Dutch vs Ottoman 1100 Elo (need advice)

who made pecelot a mod again?
by InsectPoison
15 Nov 2021, 17:42
Forum: General
Topic: Live Now! GENESIS Main Event
Replies: 65
Views: 3983
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Live Now! GENESIS Main Event

Goodspeed wrote:It was a good event but they should change the civ rules imo. Felt like players were being excessively penalized for winning and the series were mostly decided by their performance with the non-top civs
damn you've changed your profile picture. when was the last time that happened lmao
by InsectPoison
15 Nov 2021, 17:37
Forum: General
Topic: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved
Replies: 57
Views: 3737
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved

ESO interface is part of the reason why online legacy was so great. Being able to see whos online, add people as friends easily, and chat to them without having to add them on steam or download some 3rd party app was great. AoE 3 DE interface just didn't feel as welcoming as legacy.
by InsectPoison
14 Nov 2021, 23:59
Forum: General
Topic: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved
Replies: 57
Views: 3737
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved

Steam does at least half of what you talk about is missing, for some reason the boomers who play this game just don't know how to use it or act like its some egregious insult they have to press shift+tab. What an odd take. Not everyone I friend in the game I would add on steam. imagine adding on st...
by InsectPoison
08 Nov 2021, 15:59
Forum: General
Topic: Official AoE4 First Impressions Thread
Replies: 283
Views: 23656
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Official AoE4 First Impressions Thread

gibson wrote:I've seen brit win this mu several times, everytime French has had a forward or side gold mine that brit has pressured early to prevent knight spam from getting out of control. Even so I'm not sure that that "should" win.
Didn't know you could play as Brits in AoE 4
by InsectPoison
05 Nov 2021, 17:26
Forum: General
Topic: Aussie Drongo -Good or bad for the game/community
Replies: 151
Views: 14051
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Aussie Drongo -Good or bad for the game/community

Drongo's AoE 3 streams revitalized my interest in DE after being inactive for so long. Anyone who says that he's been bad for the community is either trolling or got 7 falc'ed by Drongo
by InsectPoison
03 Nov 2021, 22:39
Forum: General
Topic: mongol tc rush
Replies: 41
Views: 3339
Flag: Great Britain

Re: mongol tc rush

Mongol TC rush acknowledged by devs

by InsectPoison
30 Oct 2021, 22:17
Forum: General
Topic: What features of AoE3 would you add to AoE4?
Replies: 50
Views: 3495
Flag: Great Britain

Re: What features of AoE3 would you add to AoE4?

- Hotkeys
- Explorer
- Home city
- Treasures with Guardians
- Batch training
by InsectPoison
14 Oct 2021, 20:20
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: European politics
Replies: 6400
Views: 132564
Flag: Great Britain

Re: European politics

The only way France will beat the UK in these fish wars is if they get Iceland on their side. After all Iceland are the masters of fish wars
by InsectPoison
20 Sep 2021, 15:39
Forum: General
Topic: Stress Test open Beta Aoe4
Replies: 179
Views: 9836
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Stress Test open Beta Aoe4

Personal opinion but I thought the game was terrible. 15 years waiting for a 2021 version of AoE 2. Graphics are too cartoony, unit models are also too big, no flag or anything when clicking on the minimap, no hotkeys. To be honest i don't see any reason for me to buy this game on launch. It's way t...
by InsectPoison
18 Sep 2021, 15:30
Forum: General
Topic: Stress Test open Beta Aoe4
Replies: 179
Views: 9836
Flag: Great Britain

Re: Stress Test open Beta Aoe4

Is there a way to get that annoying text "Technical stress test" off of the screen?

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