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by Durokan
24 Aug 2021, 16:55
Forum: News
Topic: Legacy Tournament info
Replies: 261
Views: 26600
Flag: United States of America

Re: Legacy Tournament - sign ups and info

iNcog wrote:(at)REGISTERED users

can I use this tag? lol may be something to fix (at)Development Team
Congrats, you win the forums for today. Have a token.
by Durokan
06 Aug 2021, 21:41
Forum: General
Topic: ESOC abandoning AOE3 when AOE4 comes out
Replies: 53
Views: 2871
Flag: United States of America

Re: ESOC abandoning AOE3 when AOE4 comes out

As far as what I'm privy to there are no plans to abandon AOE3. Could you quantify abandon? This is probably left best as a personal opinion rather than a formal statement from the staff though.
by Durokan
17 Jul 2021, 13:13
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: Durokan's DE Custom Map Workshop
Replies: 9
Views: 1606
Flag: United States of America

Re: Durokan's DE Custom Map Workshop

Also "minegold" A map where you only gather gold is pretty fun Do you have any specifics for that? I can't help with the scenario as that isn't my area of expertise. I'm not big into triggers, so I can really only make regular maps. Maybe could consider learning them at some point, but it...
by Durokan
16 Jul 2021, 03:32
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: Durokan's Custom Map Workshop
Replies: 426
Views: 84365
Flag: United States of America

Re: Durokan's Custom Map Workshop

by Durokan
13 Apr 2021, 15:55
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: Durokan's DE Custom Map Workshop
Replies: 9
Views: 1606
Flag: United States of America

Re: Durokan's DE Custom Map Workshop

Hey Durokan! I'm a nr40 player and while DE brought some great new maps for treaty with it (Dakota, Mexico, Ozark etc. etc.) the best and by far most played map for nr40 is and will always be Upper Andes (because of the abundance of natural ress, the big space to build base, the middle TP line but ...
by Durokan
05 Apr 2021, 13:18
Forum: General
Topic: USA speculation thread
Replies: 221
Views: 9650
Flag: United States of America

Re: USA speculation thread

Adding the US sounds rather ridiculous. Should it be added, I expect strong features for late-game. Gatling guns as unique artillery should be straight-forward. An improved colonial milita could also make sense, making the US more difficult to rush. I dont understand, why would it be ridiculous? I ...
by Durokan
12 Mar 2021, 22:04
Forum: General
Topic: Unpopular opinion, should the Ottomans be a European or Asian civilization?
Replies: 248
Views: 8443
Flag: United States of America

Re: Unpopular opinion, should the Ottomans be a European or Asian civilization?

in history class one time i heard that they were called the sick man of asia so they're probably an asian civ
by Durokan
19 Jan 2021, 15:05
Forum: General
Topic: DE list of issues
Replies: 891
Views: 41667
Flag: United States of America

Re: DE list of issues

i can give it a look if i have time I'm always available to help. If you're interested in reducing the tc spawn radius, it'd be pretty easy to take the current DE maps and implement the change for something like 1v1 only, or possibly up to fourish. So if <= 4 between 0 and 4 meters, else the old di...
by Durokan
19 Jan 2021, 02:27
Forum: General
Topic: DE list of issues
Replies: 891
Views: 41667
Flag: United States of America

Re: DE list of issues

i can give it a look if i have time
by Durokan
16 Jan 2021, 03:13
Forum: General
Topic: happy Birthday Mitoe Message in Deccan File?
Replies: 9
Views: 547
Flag: United States of America

Re: happy Birthday Mitoe Message in Deccan File?

So I'm just reading aoe data files because I love this game so much.. And I stumbled upon this treasure in the Deccan map file: int happybdaymitoe = rmCreateObjectDef("happybdaymitoe"); if(cAllowViewLock==1){ rmAddObjectDefItem(happybdaymitoe,"Bat", 1, 0); for(x=1; <= 100) { for...
by Durokan
21 Dec 2020, 14:57
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: vivid's DE maps
Replies: 119
Views: 9944
Flag: United States of America

Re: vivid's DE maps

dansil92 wrote:that is one sexy box constraint on them trees
I'm impressed too. I'd not managed to get one anywhere close to that clean when I was making a forest map years ago
by Durokan
30 Nov 2020, 21:22
Forum: Recorded Games
Topic: Learning to lame port water
Replies: 148
Views: 13075
Flag: United States of America

Re: Learning to lame port water

Mr_Bramboy wrote:What about DE :D
DE should always spawn with 4 evenly spaced and balanced whales
by Durokan
29 Oct 2020, 00:26
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: Northwest Territory
Replies: 15
Views: 735
Flag: United States of America

Re: Northwest Territory

macacoalbino wrote:What do you mean resource pass? Like a res rebalance? I'll check it out later today!
Yep, it should be more consistent and fair for 1v1
by Durokan
29 Oct 2020, 00:06
Forum: General
Topic: Treaty in DE
Replies: 33
Views: 2448
Flag: United States of America

Re: Treaty in DE

how does the TR community feel in regards to map support for their community with DE?

Is two maps enough? I tried to look out for you boys with Andes Upper & Incas
by Durokan
28 Oct 2020, 23:52
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: Northwest Territory
Replies: 15
Views: 735
Flag: United States of America

Re: Northwest Territory

I didnt touch the landmasses, but it did receive a resource pass on DE because I really like it. Let me know what you think of that compared to RE
by Durokan
28 Oct 2020, 17:34
Forum: General
Topic: Map Pool
Replies: 19
Views: 826
Flag: United States of America

Re: Map Pool

Yeah. You're right. I loaded the game up and it is not clear. I think with the insider info I have I'm pretty sure QS uses the competitive mapset for 1v1. I am not sure if it uses the Team Random set for team QS. I realized shortly after telling people to look at code that not everyone is code liter...
by Durokan
28 Oct 2020, 17:10
Forum: General
Topic: Map Pool
Replies: 19
Views: 826
Flag: United States of America

Re: Map Pool

lemmings121 wrote:Why is the map pool a secret... Can someone datamine the info? Do we need a colaborative thread to keep track of the map pool?
I think all the map sets are simple in the RandMaps folder and have the extension .set
by Durokan
28 Oct 2020, 17:09
Forum: General
Topic: Map Pool
Replies: 19
Views: 826
Flag: United States of America

Re: Map Pool

Does this feel right? I think if I remember correctly it is just the competitive map set. No non-TP maps. All RE maps on this list have had a resource rebalance. Alaska Andes Upper Araucania Arctic Territories Baja California Borneo Cascade Range Central Plain Colorado Dakota Deccan Fertile Crescent...
by Durokan
28 Oct 2020, 03:16
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: vivid's DE maps
Replies: 119
Views: 9944
Flag: United States of America

Re: vivid's DE maps

Hey glad to hear it. Sounds like I am off the hook
by Durokan
28 Oct 2020, 00:12
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: vivid's DE maps
Replies: 119
Views: 9944
Flag: United States of America

Re: vivid's DE maps

I'll look over it sometime in the next few days, busy with work and lecture at the moment
by Durokan
27 Oct 2020, 23:22
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: vivid's DE maps
Replies: 119
Views: 9944
Flag: United States of America

Re: vivid's DE maps

i dont really understand why that complicates things all that much. you can place objects that require team placement by simply placing them with their 0 value as the playernum value. this can be done in a loop just like the tc. if this is still an issue later i will look at it when i have time to ...
by Durokan
27 Oct 2020, 19:53
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: vivid's DE maps
Replies: 119
Views: 9944
Flag: United States of America

Re: vivid's DE maps

i dont really understand why that complicates things all that much. you can place objects that require team placement by simply placing them with their 0 value as the playernum value. this can be done in a loop just like the tc. for i < players if playerteam = 1 place leftboob + i else plcae rightbo...
by Durokan
27 Oct 2020, 13:32
Forum: User-created Content
Topic: vivid's DE maps
Replies: 119
Views: 9944
Flag: United States of America

Re: vivid's DE maps

Yeah, there are a few ways to do it. I'd suggest placing the object in the area as dansil suggests. Another thing you could have a separate definition for each mountain you want and just place them at the center of each mountain and allow a variance equal to the radius of it. Once you get that worki...
by Durokan
18 Oct 2020, 03:35
Forum: General
Topic: Favorite things about DE
Replies: 40
Views: 2649
Flag: United States of America

Re: Favorite things about DE

I like grenadiers
I like maps
I like new age-ups
by Durokan
15 Oct 2020, 17:02
Forum: General
Topic: Age of Empires 3 definitive edition criticism
Replies: 160
Views: 9019
Flag: United States of America

Re: Age of Empires 3 definitive edition criticism

Boy, I just had the first game in DE and the UI fucking sucks. I play this game since 2005 and I was not able to get a vill production going (who the heck changed the hotkey for TCs to f1???) or notice idle villagers. Also my explorer did not do the task that I told him to do with shift + click. I ...

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