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by bobabu
18 May 2024, 01:13
Forum: News
Topic: Helter Skelter 2.0!
Replies: 5
Views: 2332
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Helter Skelter 2.0!

Hazza54321 wrote:
16 May 2024, 16:37
do you want my bank details and pin too
Please pm me your bank details Hazza. I will keep your elo secure.
by bobabu
14 Mar 2024, 13:06
Forum: ESOC Talk
Topic: Memberberries.
Replies: 7
Views: 947
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Memberberries.

Member when Aklak beat 7 bots with 100% handicap.
Member when there were only Colonial Civs.
Member when Haudenosaunee was called Iroquois.
Member when Neuron attempted a coup d'état.
Member Age of Empires Star Wars.
Member Cuirassier without training time.
by bobabu
02 Mar 2024, 16:37
Forum: General
Topic: Revnak's Dishonest Rise to #1 In Team
Replies: 12
Views: 1546
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Revnak's Dishonest Rise to #1 In Team

Only noobs that can't make it on the 1v1 ladder care about team elo. So why are people upset? It's not like Breeze is taking the place away from good players. I mean look at the others do you believe jailed should be rank number 10. They all abuse the ladder. Nobody in their right mind cares about t...
by bobabu
24 Feb 2024, 12:21
Forum: General
Topic: AoE3 NEW 2024 civilisations!
Replies: 13
Views: 2715
Flag: Switzerland

Re: AoE3 NEW 2024 civilisations!

iNcog wrote:
24 Feb 2024, 12:02
Balance is out, DLC is in.
Maybe someday an AI can balance those civs.
by bobabu
11 Feb 2024, 15:09
Forum: News
Topic: Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition – Update 15.59076
Replies: 6
Views: 4342
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition – Update 15.59076

Pretty sure the most supported comments in the PUP were "WTF why are Horn and Deccan being added to standard maps" and "why are samurais getting a mortar siege attack" yet both of those made it through It always struck me as weird how Deccan ended up being the top pick in "...
by bobabu
07 Feb 2024, 04:30
Forum: Elimination Brackets
Topic: Ungurs vs Hazza
Replies: 8
Views: 1015
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Ungurs vs Hazza

Wp big guy youre just way more consistent than me which is why you deserved the win. I dont think ill ever get back to the same level as i once did so from now on all your tournament victories and results are now my tournament victories and results. Ill be like one of those proud parents living thr...
by bobabu
21 Jan 2024, 19:33
Forum: GSL Groups
Topic: Hazza vs GroGu
Replies: 2
Views: 495
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Hazza vs GroGu

Chapter 1: Rise to Power In an era when age of empires 3 dominated the gaming universe, Hazzarov rose as the supreme leader of Age of Empires 3. His strategic acumen and unwavering dedication placed him on the most coveted virtual throne. Under his leadership, the empire thrived, allies feared, and...
by bobabu
06 Jan 2024, 17:28
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: I cant see the same servers as my friend in the US
Replies: 1
Views: 297
Flag: Switzerland

Re: I cant see the same servers as my friend in the US

Never search with servers. It's completely bugged.
by bobabu
04 Jan 2024, 06:29
Forum: General
Topic: Definitive edition is so DISRESPECTFUL it stinks
Replies: 88
Views: 9026
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Definitive edition is so DISRESPECTFUL it stinks

People are a bit too nostalgic sometimes. The interface was better on eso. But at the end of its life, you had invitespammers that could drop you out of the game. The p2p design caused the game to lag massively if just one player had an inferior connection. Ranks are a mixed bag. I liked the eso ran...
by bobabu
11 Nov 2023, 10:30
Forum: General
Topic: Suspicious OOS and Aztec Smurfs
Replies: 23
Views: 3223
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Suspicious OOS and Aztec Smurfs

So anyone that actually plays qs lately has probably noticed an uptick of <50 game smurfs that only play aztec and only do the staryu build (age w/WH, mayan allies, 700w, units, units, units). I played another one of them today and the game suspiciously OOS'd while they were losing their last units...
by bobabu
04 Aug 2023, 12:27
Forum: General
Topic: Age of Empires 3 is officially F2P
Replies: 23
Views: 2084
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Age of Empires 3 is officially F2P

nimanoe wrote:
04 Aug 2023, 11:40
I think they also disabled family sharing with this update, which is quite interesting:
More money
by bobabu
04 Aug 2023, 12:24
Forum: General
Topic: Age of Empires 3 is officially F2P
Replies: 23
Views: 2084
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Age of Empires 3 is officially F2P

Free to play to increase the player base,aoe3 players rn at 7k higher than aoe4 which should have been done during the DE launch day ,and the same for aoe4... No, it shouldn't have been done on release. The games were in a shit state when they were released it would've alienated everybody. It's goo...
by bobabu
02 Aug 2023, 21:59
Forum: General
Topic: Age of Empires 3 is officially F2P
Replies: 23
Views: 2084
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Age of Empires 3 is officially F2P

Probably a good idea as long as it is not pay to win.
by bobabu
27 Oct 2022, 00:18
Forum: Final Stage
Topic: JulianK vs GG.Revnak
Replies: 26
Views: 6575
Flag: Switzerland

Re: JulianK vs GG.Revnak

Hazza54321 wrote:
31 Aug 2022, 18:20
This thread has definitely a sprinkle of autism, perhaps even more now that im here.
Hazza used breeze to launder the prize money through Turkey. To finance his trip to Central America where he grows his poppies.
by bobabu
07 Sep 2022, 11:18
Forum: General
Topic: Drongo discusses rampant cheating/exploiting in AoE4
Replies: 12
Views: 4266
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Drongo discusses rampant cheating/exploiting in AoE4

I mean they were able to detect hacking in nilla as well. But they never fixed the issue. So detecting something and fixing it are two pairs of shoes. Let's be honest age 4 for sure has less of a budget now.
by bobabu
15 Jul 2022, 19:51
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: help me pls i have problem with aoe3
Replies: 8
Views: 1549
Flag: Switzerland

Re: help me pls i have problem with aoe3

iNcog wrote:
15 Jul 2022, 19:30
What sort of computer do you have, friend?

Hit your windows key and type "dxdiag"

If you need to upgrade your computer, you'll have to buy a piece of physical hardware.

His graphics card is made out of new pine tree wood. He just harvested it and glued it together.
by bobabu
09 Jul 2022, 22:07
Forum: News
Topic: AoE3:DE free to play on Steam until end of the weekend!
Replies: 20
Views: 2782
Flag: Switzerland

Re: AoE3:DE free to play on Steam until end of the weekend!

Yes, the campaigns of aoe 3 are better than the ones of aoe 4. Well, the multiplayer of aoe 3 isn't as inviting as it should be.
by bobabu
09 Jul 2022, 09:40
Forum: News
Topic: AoE3:DE free to play on Steam until end of the weekend!
Replies: 20
Views: 2782
Flag: Switzerland

Re: AoE3:DE free to play on Steam until end of the weekend!

SoldieR wrote:
09 Jul 2022, 04:24

Yes and let's not forget that aoe 3 is still being played on voobly and game ranger. Also the ones still on Eso. There are more aoe 3 players than aoe 4.
by bobabu
29 Jun 2022, 21:59
Forum: General
Topic: Treasure guardian exploit / "creeping"
Replies: 16
Views: 1262
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Treasure guardian exploit / "creeping"

I think treasures also give the game a bit of a luck factor. Also, you need to be able to adapt more as you never know what kind of treasure you are gonna get. No game should be purely based on skill. Imao. There needs to be a healthy amount of both upsets are interesting. And being able to sometime...
by bobabu
18 May 2022, 16:12
Forum: General
Topic: Let’s try to get AoE3 to the redbull!
Replies: 64
Views: 5072
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Let’s try to get AoE3 to the redbull!

Kinda weird. Isn't the aoe 3 player base larger than the aoe 1? I guess it doesn't fit the castle setting. No worries the Aoe 3 tournament will be played in the Ranikot Fort.
by bobabu
11 May 2022, 12:28
Forum: General
Topic: Let’s try to get AoE3 to the redbull!
Replies: 64
Views: 5072
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Let’s try to get AoE3 to the redbull!

Maybe they do it if they release a DLC at a similar time. Don't know when they release in Italy. They can save a ton of money because for Aoe 4 they can send in some of the same players as for Aoe 2. They only have to pay one ticket for the viper. For all the Aoe 3 players they have to buy a ticket.
by bobabu
12 Apr 2022, 23:57
Forum: General
Topic: Why do most players prefer the minimap on the lower left instead of right?
Replies: 17
Views: 1707
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Why do most players prefer the minimap on the lower left instead of right?

Well, that does not say much. I would like someone who has tested both to give me a better explanation of the benefits, I will change it from now on to see if it's better. I don't think anyone has tested both because it doesn't change anything. It's all about habits, why would anyone bother changin...
by bobabu
11 Apr 2022, 19:27
Forum: General
Topic: Season 1 - Major Update and Ranked Seasons
Replies: 2
Views: 1227
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Season 1 - Major Update and Ranked Seasons

If they add civs they should at least make one new civ for free just to try to get some people back when the game is in a playable state. And some good promotions along with it.
by bobabu
01 Apr 2022, 17:01
Forum: General
Topic: Casting Hazza vs Marinelord $125K EGCTV Golden League
Replies: 5
Views: 1803
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Casting Hazza vs Marinelord $125K EGCTV Golden League

Nice to see hazza picking it up. If he plays the game more he has a real shot at becoming top. Especially after a lot of pro players are neglecting the game. If he mains this game he can beat top players that don't.
by bobabu
23 Feb 2022, 22:35
Forum: General
Topic: Fair Player League Winter Tournament - Finals
Replies: 16
Views: 1906
Flag: Switzerland

Re: Fair Player League Winter Tournament - Finals

musketeer925 wrote:
17 Feb 2022, 17:21
This is my first time hearing about such a league.

How many discords do I need to be in to keep up with AoE3 these days?
How many largely empty discords

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