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by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
02 Dec 2020, 16:58
Forum: General
Topic: Rec Analysis
Replies: 68
Views: 4052
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Rec Analysis

Nice job, many good insights Mr H! This i like a lot :) Useful for everyone, even higher level players, to watch. For the general audience you might want to make it shorter. Also, because it is a detailed analysis, I would indeed hint at the start (for new viewers) that the end has a summary with th...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
02 Dec 2020, 08:59
Forum: Strategy
Topic: How to beat the Netherland with France
Replies: 26
Views: 1741
Flag: Netherlands

Re: How to beat the Netherland with France

One does not simply beat the Netherlands
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
09 Dec 2019, 15:46
Forum: News
Topic: ESOC Patch released!
Replies: 500
Views: 28615
Flag: Netherlands

Re: ESOC Patch released!

good job with the bug fixes and work on development. About the other changes, that will be interesting to see how it plays out I guess. Some are very questionable and i wonder if its tested enough or just trial tested via a live EP... great job regarding bug fixes and tres/natives to sum up other ch...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
08 Dec 2019, 14:25
Forum: News
Topic: Announcing the $3000 ESOC Winter Championship 2020!
Replies: 266
Views: 18644
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Announcing the $3000 ESOC Winter Championship 2020!

You realize I said "esports standard" > No, you said "its standard in esports", which implicates that this is how its done [everywhere]? The same as you could say "its standard for people to pay at McDonalds before they get their meal". That implicates you always have ...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
08 Dec 2019, 11:36
Forum: News
Topic: Announcing the $3000 ESOC Winter Championship 2020!
Replies: 266
Views: 18644
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Announcing the $3000 ESOC Winter Championship 2020!

I don't think that's really necessary. The Pro Division is already $1800 — more than even the most lucrative tournament of ESOC past — and requires the fewest amount of matches played from our top players (and consequence of this fact, we can expect some very high quality games). A pre-qualified pl...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
06 Dec 2019, 22:46
Forum: News
Topic: Announcing the $3000 ESOC Winter Championship 2020!
Replies: 266
Views: 18644
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Announcing the $2500 ESOC Winter Championship 2020!

I like the tournament divisions idea. Players will be distributed based on elo seeding, but is this evenly over the 4 divisions or how? Paying multiple places is good as I have always advocated, although I think you have gone too far here as Dia sort of said. 5-8th place prizes of advanced should pr...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
11 Aug 2019, 21:40
Forum: Information and Discussion
Topic: Announcing the ESOC Premier League!
Replies: 128
Views: 8003
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Announcing the ESOC Premier League!

[Armag] diarouga wrote:You're not going to get 2 top players in a the same team so the team games won't be very even.

There are only 4 teams? So to form 4 teams you need just 4x2 = 8 good players...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
11 Aug 2019, 21:34
Forum: Information and Discussion
Topic: Announcing the ESOC Premier League!
Replies: 128
Views: 8003
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Announcing the ESOC Premier League!

Cool idea. Should also include some 2/2 games in this though, it is a team event after all ?! ;)
With players split over just 4 teams, this will likely make for some some good 2/2s.
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
21 Jul 2019, 15:59
Forum: General
Topic: Samwise12 New lamer of AOE3!!
Replies: 39
Views: 2229
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Samwise12 New lamer of AOE3!!

samwise12 wrote:hey this thread is meant to be about me, can we get back to that please

Good job, well played ;)
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
21 Jul 2019, 14:21
Forum: General
Topic: Samwise12 New lamer of AOE3!!
Replies: 39
Views: 2229
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Samwise12 New lamer of AOE3!!

Diarouga, I thought you actually grew up a bit, but now I find you are still talking like this. Even behind my back, thats sad. I congratulated you on your tournament victory as you did play good, but winning 1 tournament vs Rapheal who clearly wasnt playing in optimal form doesnt make you king of e...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
04 May 2019, 11:30
Forum: Lower Bracket Round 4
Topic: PrinceofKabul vs Umeu
Replies: 5
Views: 668
Flag: Netherlands

Re: PrinceofKabul vs Umeu

Gj Big Prince! Imo PrinceOfKabul > Fourmaster, will watch the games
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
29 Apr 2019, 16:10
Forum: General
Topic: How would you rank the top 10 team players of all time
Replies: 61
Views: 3721
Flag: Netherlands

Re: How would you rank the top 10 team players of all time

haha Princy. Well, ye you in your prime still > knush though knush has made it very close i must admit. And I think in our prime me, Sam, Erik, you, Hazza, Knush and some top japanese players and some others I forgot now, were very similar, but i'd say Blackstar was still a bit better than the rest ...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
29 Apr 2019, 13:57
Forum: General
Topic: How would you rank the top 10 team players of all time
Replies: 61
Views: 3721
Flag: Netherlands

Re: How would you rank the top 10 team players of all time

The thing I never understood about musketjr is how so many games at 20 minutes he'd have double everyone's score and basically carry 3v1 Cause he often went for the strat "let 1 teammate die or half-die, dont care too much, go eco heavier and either leave the game if other team is too good or ...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
12 Apr 2019, 15:24
Forum: General
Topic: how would you rank the top 10 aoe3 players of all time
Replies: 270
Views: 15730
Flag: Netherlands

Re: how would you rank the top 10 aoe3 players of all time

I just want to emphasize a very important point that GS made. Skill and knowledge are two very different things and are relative. If you just know more about something today, whether it is the history of the planet or an exact build order up to seconds, imo that doesnt make you intelligent. It just ...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
12 Apr 2019, 15:09
Forum: Round of 32
Topic: iamturk vs PrinceofKabul
Replies: 20
Views: 1404
Flag: Netherlands

Re: iamturk vs PrinceofKabul

Hahaha, ye I experienced that as well, especially this little one Hazza playing at the speed of light. Luckily I'm still faster than them on the autobahn or ski slopes, I'll just assert my dominance there ^^ Good luck with your other matches, I'll keep an eye out and cheer for you, I have faith in y...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
12 Apr 2019, 09:23
Forum: Round of 32
Topic: iamturk vs PrinceofKabul
Replies: 20
Views: 1404
Flag: Netherlands

Re: iamturk vs PrinceofKabul

Ey Prince kiddo, you wanted to play vs GUA again so badly? :D
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
24 Mar 2019, 09:48
Forum: Finals and 3rd/4th Place
Topic: Hazza54321 vs Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
Replies: 9
Views: 7915
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Hazza54321 vs Veni_Vidi_Vici_W

Good job little one and Knusch. Im a bit sad we didnt play so well, it could have been a better series. This dragged out longer than planned, I wasnt able to play much lately. As was probably clear from my macro/micro on stream. As for the games: Game 1: I should have mixed musk earlier vs the coy, ...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
22 Mar 2019, 22:43
Forum: Finals and 3rd/4th Place
Topic: Hazza54321 & Knuschelbär vs. Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww
Replies: 53
Views: 3212
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Hazza54321 & Knuschelbär vs. Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww

I fixed it, so we play this tomorrow 23rd @ 13gmt.
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
22 Mar 2019, 22:13
Forum: Finals and 3rd/4th Place
Topic: Hazza54321 & Knuschelbär vs. Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww
Replies: 53
Views: 3212
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Hazza54321 & Knuschelbär vs. Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww

Because next weekend is gonna be hard with all the schedules, Im thinking of rescheduling something I had tomorrow (saturday 23rd). Then I could play from 13gmt to 16.45gmt but really no later. So the last game before it, cant start too late. Talked to u27 and u1403 , its ok for them, for you too u6...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
22 Mar 2019, 20:42
Forum: Finals and 3rd/4th Place
Topic: Hazza54321 & Knuschelbär vs. Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww
Replies: 53
Views: 3212
Flag: Netherlands

Re: Hazza54321 & Knuschelbär vs. Veni_Vidi_Vici_W & snowww

Hazza, where are you (Last active: Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:46 pm) ?
You point out my battleship tourneys at the retirement home, but then dodge us every time for your drawing games at the local youth club :(
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
20 Mar 2019, 08:17
Forum: News
Topic: General's Table Schedule
Replies: 18
Views: 2291
Flag: Netherlands

Re: General's Table Schedule

No insulting, merely praising your teamgame intentions. I thought my post and the amount of sarcasm was pretty clear :O Given that I know you prefer 1/1 over team mon petit baguette. Dont worry though, there is always hope for everyone. I have faith in day when times are most dark, you wil...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
19 Mar 2019, 22:40
Forum: News
Topic: General's Table Schedule
Replies: 18
Views: 2291
Flag: Netherlands

Re: General's Table Schedule

No Mad.
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
19 Mar 2019, 16:03
Forum: News
Topic: General's Table Schedule
Replies: 18
Views: 2291
Flag: Netherlands

Re: General's Table Schedule

Kaiser would probably love to take that chance, I know from inside knowledge that he is always excited about teamgames. In fact, I dare to say the only reason he is playing more 1/1, is because its a bit harder nowadays to find high ranked similar level 2/2's. I dont know about 6 people in the game ...
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
19 Mar 2019, 09:41
Forum: News
Topic: General's Table Schedule
Replies: 18
Views: 2291
Flag: Netherlands

Re: General's Table Schedule

Take 2!
Btw, if its going to be casted, I hope by someone from Europe.
by Veni_Vidi_Vici_W
18 Mar 2019, 17:47
Forum: News
Replies: 190
Views: 14476
Flag: Netherlands


According to the Elo page you were 1852 and Mitoe was 1824 before playing eachother. You gained 14 points after 1 win vs Mitoe. You have to win more games ofc given that you are the higher ranked player, but to me it seems a bit unrealistic that you have to basically win 2 out of every 3 games vs so...

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