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by spear
09 Oct 2015, 20:39
Forum: General
Topic: Which of these do you consider cheating?
Replies: 67
Views: 2591
Flag: No Flag

Which of these do you consider cheating?

garja wrote:macros over programmable mouse/kb are cheat aswell.
Why, because with macros one can do a task faster or with less effort. An example : automatic reloading weapon vs manual reloading weapon.
by spear
09 Oct 2015, 20:30
Forum: General
Topic: Which of these do you consider cheating?
Replies: 67
Views: 2591
Flag: No Flag

Which of these do you consider cheating?

Fan patches might be considered the ultimate cheat if those who create the patch also play. As I''ve said before, not only will the creators of the patch know it inside and out, they are going to be modifying the game based on how they, themselves, play the game, which may overtly or inadvertently ...
by spear
09 Oct 2015, 16:33
Forum: General
Topic: Which of these do you consider cheating?
Replies: 67
Views: 2591
Flag: No Flag

Which of these do you consider cheating?

1. Yemshi is correct. Here, AoE3 released by Microsoft is THE ORIGINAL GAME including official patches etc. The matches played on ESO are rated also. Any modification to the original game to benefit someone is a cheat. 2. If I take source code(suppose officially released) of AoE3 and make another ga...
by spear
09 Oct 2015, 10:52
Forum: General
Topic: Which of these do you consider cheating?
Replies: 67
Views: 2591
Flag: No Flag

Which of these do you consider cheating?

Any addition to the game except official patch etc IMO is a cheat. Why? Because it is not available to all the users. The USER mods add some BONUS to the game either BIG or SMALL, that's why they are MADE. And what is Auto-Cow Mod? like eating cow automatically? Is it really possible? I think it is ...
by spear
13 Sep 2015, 17:45
Forum: General
Topic: Sup player you wish to see in tr tournament?
Replies: 25
Views: 1690
Flag: No Flag

Sup player you wish to see in tr tournament?

Guys, how can you all forget Moesbar? Let's introduce Mosebar to treaty. My vote for Moesbar.
by spear
13 Sep 2015, 17:12
Forum: Treaty Discussion
Topic: best treaty players
Replies: 280
Views: 19684
Flag: No Flag

best treaty players

So how was you microing your culverins in 2011? The same like what SS etc were doing, right? The game skills/metas continue to improve if one plays continuously which you or anyone did since 2011 while SS didn't. Now I am not against you or anyone being the best. I am saying SS used to shine when th...
by spear
13 Sep 2015, 09:45
Forum: Treaty Discussion
Topic: best treaty players
Replies: 280
Views: 19684
Flag: No Flag

best treaty players

its just called a wood trade...btw SS is best german player of all timez. loli still remember where the #1most anticipated mu was storm ger mirror with SS haha. Just because he was the best in 2011 doesnt mean hes the best in 2015... If thats the case then you are not the best either. storm_999_ ha...
by spear
11 Sep 2015, 16:33
Forum: Treaty Discussion
Topic: best treaty players
Replies: 280
Views: 19684
Flag: No Flag

best treaty players

anonymous123 wrote:
sc wrote:face it kid soulsong >' all
by spear
11 Sep 2015, 15:13
Forum: Treaty Discussion
Topic: best treaty players
Replies: 280
Views: 19684
Flag: No Flag

best treaty players

The Best means Soulsong most of time and sometimes storm_999_. :P
by spear
11 Sep 2015, 08:01
Forum: Treaty Discussion
Topic: best treaty players
Replies: 280
Views: 19684
Flag: No Flag

best treaty players

Overall the best treaty player of all time is Soulsong aka StormisnotComing.
by spear
02 Aug 2015, 11:59
Forum: Strategy
Topic: Does manually targeting ranged units affect their animation?
Replies: 18
Views: 879
Flag: No Flag

Does manually targeting ranged units affect their animation?

I think in attack move, if an enemy unit is dead before an unit just about to fire on it, it diverts this shot to any other enemy units. While in micro mode, there are three problems : 1. One cannot select exact amount of units needed to kill one enemy unit. Ex- Like selecting exactly 7 muskets (161...
by spear
30 Jul 2015, 12:04
Forum: General
Topic: Moesbar
Replies: 271
Views: 14968
Flag: No Flag


Moesbar is actually working very hard to balance the civs(after reading so many balance civ threads) by making all units available to every civ. So no more balancing issue/xyz civ is op thread. We should give him the credit for that.
by spear
27 Jul 2015, 09:54
Forum: General
Topic: Moesbar
Replies: 271
Views: 14968
Flag: No Flag


The purpose of a cheater thread is to let people know that XYZ is cheating with the sufficient proof. And this thread has title of moesber while some new cheaters have been found and mentioned in this thread. To found them, one has to read the whole thread. There is no need to keep thread open to di...
by spear
27 Jul 2015, 09:23
Forum: General
Topic: Moesbar
Replies: 271
Views: 14968
Flag: No Flag


I know who this guy is. And it''s not that really advanced stuff any guy with little brains, a desire, basic knowledge about how game works and some free time can work this out. The only reason probably it hasn''t spread out on large scale is because of players wishing in a fair and competitive gam...

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