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by Dolan
05 Aug 2024, 12:46
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

Goodspeed wrote:
26 Jul 2024, 06:47
What's the biggest thing you've changed your mind about in the last 5 years?
Mostly general worldview stuff.
Nothing specific on politics, I don't have a mind set on anything related to politics, I deal with it as a flux
by Dolan
05 Aug 2024, 11:33
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

If the US gets in a recession, Trump could gain an upper hand in the race
by Dolan
05 Aug 2024, 08:39
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Google’s ideological echo chamber
Replies: 14
Views: 373
Flag: Nauru

Re: Google’s ideological echo chamber

>angular dead
Called it years ago.

Picasa was really good, the best image viewer ever, but the mobile plague made this kind of desktop applications not worth supporting for megacorps
by Dolan
04 Aug 2024, 20:19
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Google’s ideological echo chamber
Replies: 14
Views: 373
Flag: Nauru

Re: Google’s ideological echo chamber

That's why I said it's gonna take a while for this to unfold, but a lot of the big corporations we think now are everlasting will kick the bucket.
"If you look at large companies, their lifespans tend to be 30-plus years, not a hundred-plus years." - Jeff Benzos
by Dolan
03 Aug 2024, 03:55
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Google’s ideological echo chamber
Replies: 14
Views: 373
Flag: Nauru

Re: Google’s ideological echo chamber

Interesting prophecy and I think it's correct, but it's gonna take a while for it to unfold

by Dolan
03 Aug 2024, 03:33
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

some of us have a harder time attributing israels actions to USA It's complicated but Israel probably feels like they have a license to do anything in the region, knowing that Uncle Sam will backstop them no matter what. Which, sure, occasionally causes some upset and grumbling in Washington, becau...
by Dolan
02 Aug 2024, 07:24
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: What's your most controversial opinion?
Replies: 664
Views: 12368
Flag: Nauru

Re: What's your most controversial opinion?

I mean those that require heavy physical effort, like football, tennis, swimming, running, cycling. Those are a circus of doped monkeys
by Dolan
02 Aug 2024, 07:03
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: What's your most controversial opinion?
Replies: 664
Views: 12368
Flag: Nauru

Re: What's your most controversial opinion?

All pro sports are doped. All of them. There isn't a single one that doesn't use performance boosters just to stay competitive. change_my_mind.webp The difference between them is who can afford the most sophisticated labs and docs that create untraceable substances and so can fly off the radar of th...
by Dolan
02 Aug 2024, 02:20
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

Anyone willing to argue that the USA imperialistically regime-changing Venezuela is causing the waves of migration towards the US? Because right now it looks like the opposite is happening: their authoritarian regimes are controlling election results and perpetuating ...
by Dolan
01 Aug 2024, 05:17
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Music you're listening to
Replies: 3596
Views: 98784
Flag: Nauru

Re: Music you're listening to

by Dolan
31 Jul 2024, 08:25
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

Another angle is that Netanyahu must be under so much pressure back home (70% of the population thinks he should step down) that he needs to stir up some shit, so he can create an artificial situation of security emergency. Then claim he can't be replaced while the country is in a crisis. That's als...
by Dolan
31 Jul 2024, 06:57
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

It's significant that this happens after Netanyahu went to Washington. He must have gotten something from the Congress, enough to give Israel confidence to kill Haniyeh. And this comes after Blinken "disclosed" that Iran is 2 weeks away from building nukes. I've been saying Iran has had nu...
by Dolan
30 Jul 2024, 11:10
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

...Republicans have an actual game plan on what they're going to do if they win the election. I've looked at that agenda 47 thing and it looks like stuff that our politicians used to do back in the 90s, after they got elected. They used to hire and install their own people in public servant positio...
by Dolan
30 Jul 2024, 08:12
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

fightinfrenchman wrote:
30 Jul 2024, 04:45
I wonder how Earthworm Jim would vote in this election
by Dolan
30 Jul 2024, 04:36
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

fightinfrenchman wrote:
30 Jul 2024, 03:54
There's no such thing as the natural order
"Natural order" is shorthand for "some beings need less awareness and more instinct to function". Like worms.
But yeah, I agree, "natural order" is a dubious, almost sus concept
by Dolan
30 Jul 2024, 03:27
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

To seek knowledge, you need to feel like you've been unhinged from the natural order of things, that you need to regain your footing through cognition and artifice. That instincts are no longer enough. If they were, you'd be powerful and unaware (like lions).
by Dolan
30 Jul 2024, 03:12
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

Knowledege is cope
by Dolan
30 Jul 2024, 03:03
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Academic Writing
Replies: 19
Views: 290
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

Intentionally writing your posts so that I, a college educated native English speaker, have to read them multiple times and sometimes open up the dictionary to understand what’s being said, as well as relying on shock value, is actually the opposite of a being a good way to try to get your point ac...
by Dolan
29 Jul 2024, 21:46
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Clown world general 🤡
Replies: 14
Views: 678
Flag: Nauru

Re: Clown world general 🤡

when you come from the future and you don't have time to explain

by Dolan
29 Jul 2024, 01:23
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

Misha wrote:
28 Jul 2024, 23:55
fightinfrenchman wrote:
26 Jul 2024, 14:55
@Misha Who will you be voting for

@Goodspeed thanks for the thoughtful comments and questions, I will find time to reply tomorrow!
What do you think Trump is going to get done that he didn't or couldn't during his first term
by Dolan
28 Jul 2024, 04:28
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

OTOH, in some perverse way, Trump might be doing this on purpose. He knows the media will take such a saying out of context, so he doubles down on the ambiguity, he feeds them exactly what they want. Because later he can come back to his supporters and say: see? I told you the media are lying. It's ...
by Dolan
28 Jul 2024, 04:20
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

I think this kind of headlines is a mistake One of the reasons Trump has been able to win in the past is precisely because he could correctly claim the media are distorting everything he says to the point that they're downright lying. In this speech from which this qu...
by Dolan
28 Jul 2024, 03:31
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

it is afraid

by Dolan
28 Jul 2024, 03:30
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Clown world general 🤡
Replies: 14
Views: 678
Flag: Nauru

Re: Clown world general 🤡

by Dolan
27 Jul 2024, 00:38
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32011
Views: 418210
Flag: Nauru

Re: US Politics Megathread

knusch does have a point that we joined NATO and EU precisely because we just managed to escape from the red prison of nations that the USSR sphere of influence was. And what can you do when you escape the oppressive yoke of the Russian empire and look for some kind of security solution to your prob...

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