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by wardyb1
08 Dec 2020, 02:19
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32936
Views: 487727
Flag: Australia

Re: 2020 US Elections

I really can't see Trump managing to hold onto his entire cult base for 3 years. Although I have no idea how the GOP will look without him. I don't think anyone can pull off what he has done, yet the base will cry out for more of the same. They'll obviously win votes by doing the same blocking of bi...
by wardyb1
07 Dec 2020, 23:20
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32936
Views: 487727
Flag: Australia

Re: 2020 US Elections

fightinfrenchman wrote:Obviously can't take Data 4 Progress seriously but I could definitely see this happening. Even if both Dems lose I expect Warnock to overperform Ossoff
Not surprising. Loeffler is the much worse candidate between her and Perdue.
by wardyb1
07 Dec 2020, 23:19
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: European politics
Replies: 6400
Views: 132355
Flag: Australia

Re: European politics

I used those labels to describe this USR/Plus party whose political platform is very similar to Macron's so-called radical centrism, except this party also supports progressive themes like lgbt rights, which is very unusual in Romania, because almost nobody here cares about those kinds of issues. I...
by wardyb1
07 Dec 2020, 22:33
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32936
Views: 487727
Flag: Australia

Re: 2020 US Elections

fightinfrenchman wrote:More #content

Still baffles me that so many people are willing to vote for people that have committed felonies.
by wardyb1
07 Dec 2020, 22:29
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: European politics
Replies: 6400
Views: 132355
Flag: Australia

Re: European politics

What on earth does a centrist, progressive party look like?
by wardyb1
04 Dec 2020, 04:41
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32936
Views: 487727
Flag: Australia

Re: 2020 US Elections

Average Senate polling error is about 6% across the last like 20-30 years. Aka not the most helpful. In 2020 we had races within .2% and we had ones blow out to 10-12% error. The only polling people should really be looking at is what these races looked like on the ballot and what could change betwe...
by wardyb1
01 Dec 2020, 08:47
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Freetalk Friday 1
Replies: 4004
Views: 82751
Flag: Australia

Re: Freetalk Friday 1

What's the most relieving crack to get? A nice sternum crack always goes down well.
by wardyb1
29 Nov 2020, 02:21
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32936
Views: 487727
Flag: Australia

Re: 2020 US Elections

It's pretty well established that our brains learn from observation, but no, we can't state with any certainty that any of my or anyone else's opinions are objectively true. Two key beliefs of many of the reformation were the general reliability of the senses and scripture being clear in the centra...
by wardyb1
24 Nov 2020, 01:07
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak
Replies: 8689
Views: 148076
Flag: Australia

Re: COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak

I wonder how many bodies have to line the streets before the idiots change their minds.
by wardyb1
24 Nov 2020, 01:04
Forum: General
Topic: About CC ((Complete Coleccion))
Replies: 10
Views: 480
Flag: Australia

Re: About CC ((Complete Coleccion))

@EAGLEMUT anything ideas on what this could be?
by wardyb1
23 Nov 2020, 22:57
Forum: General
Topic: About CC ((Complete Coleccion))
Replies: 10
Views: 480
Flag: Australia

Re: About CC ((Complete Coleccion))

Have you got taunts turned off in the options? if u r talking about the opcion ¨sounds¨, all of that is actived and max vol. I tried restoure opcion and nothing. There is a specific option relating to having taunts turned on or off. is on bro, i dont know what happen, i can't even hear the voices o...
by wardyb1
23 Nov 2020, 22:31
Forum: General
Topic: About CC ((Complete Coleccion))
Replies: 10
Views: 480
Flag: Australia

Re: About CC ((Complete Coleccion))

WilliamRuiz wrote:
wardyb1 wrote:Have you got taunts turned off in the options?
if u r talking about the opcion ¨sounds¨, all of that is actived and max vol. I tried restoure opcion and nothing.
There is a specific option relating to having taunts turned on or off.
by wardyb1
23 Nov 2020, 22:26
Forum: General
Topic: About CC ((Complete Coleccion))
Replies: 10
Views: 480
Flag: Australia

Re: About CC ((Complete Coleccion))

Have you got taunts turned off in the options?
by wardyb1
23 Nov 2020, 03:18
Forum: General
Topic: I forget the name anda password
Replies: 9
Views: 495
Flag: Australia

Re: I forget the name anda password

If you are talking about Legacy, there isn't anything we or Microsoft can do. There are some people in the community that may be able to help you create a new account though.
by wardyb1
23 Nov 2020, 00:45
Forum: General
Topic: you have one wish:
Replies: 36
Views: 1129
Flag: Australia

Re: you have one wish:

Imagine :ear:'s posting ability combined with balance talk. Something I don't think the world is ready for.
by wardyb1
22 Nov 2020, 10:21
Forum: General
Topic: The Good game attitude
Replies: 35
Views: 1612
Flag: Australia

Re: The Good game attitude

It's like shaking hands. Even those people who supposedly don't say gg because "it wasn't a gg" are mostly lying, because they only refuse to say it if they lose. If they win, they usually still say gg, even if it wasn't a good game. But do you said gg if you win/lose because of a bug or ...
by wardyb1
20 Nov 2020, 09:24
Forum: General
Topic: King of the Hill Tier List
Replies: 44
Views: 2435
Flag: Australia

Re: King of the Hill Tier List

You need to be careful of making the timer too long. At that point it just becomes a normal supremacy game. The game doesn't offer the option to set the timer, do you know if it might be possible to turn it into a custom scenario with custom options? I was referring to howling wolf paw's post above...
by wardyb1
20 Nov 2020, 00:19
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Early thankfulness thread 2020
Replies: 45
Views: 864
Flag: Australia

Re: Early thankfulness thread 2020

I'm thankful for having good mates, a family that loves me unconditionally and for living in a country where I pretty much get to act like I did pre-pandemic.
by wardyb1
20 Nov 2020, 00:16
Forum: General
Topic: King of the Hill Tier List
Replies: 44
Views: 2435
Flag: Australia

Re: King of the Hill Tier List

chris1089 wrote:You need to be careful of making the timer too long. At that point it just becomes a normal supremacy game.
Timer is based on the number of people in the game. Less people = longer timer
by wardyb1
19 Nov 2020, 22:30
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: Freetalk Friday 1
Replies: 4004
Views: 82751
Flag: Australia

Re: Freetalk Friday 1

Snuden wrote:Ngl, since I quit boozing everything just seems to be better. While I don't meditate as such, I usually go to the beach daily and just look at the ocean.
Not drinking is great tbh.
Big agree. Drinking completely destroys my mental health.
I still drink but....
by wardyb1
19 Nov 2020, 22:08
Forum: General
Topic: what is the proper response to gl hf
Replies: 30
Views: 1905
Flag: Australia

Re: what is the proper response to gl hf

1 is the alpha move imo. Leaves your opponent guessing whether you mean it back to them, or whether you are saying "yes I will have good luck and fun and I hope you don't"
by wardyb1
19 Nov 2020, 21:55
Forum: ESOC Talk
Topic: Poitical Compass Test and Political Typology Quiz
Replies: 178
Views: 6971
Flag: Australia

Re: Poitical Compass Test and Political Typology Quiz

I think it has overweighted my positions in equality and progress a bit. Still plenty of poor questions in this quiz.

by wardyb1
19 Nov 2020, 02:27
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32936
Views: 487727
Flag: Australia

Re: 2020 US Elections

by wardyb1
19 Nov 2020, 02:00
Forum: Real-life Discussion
Topic: US Politics Megathread
Replies: 32936
Views: 487727
Flag: Australia

Re: 2020 US Elections

Dolan wrote:Proof that rap loses you votes.
And yet Kanye got votes in the election. What a dichotomy
by wardyb1
19 Nov 2020, 01:58
Forum: ESOC Talk
Topic: ESOC Posters Tier List
Replies: 55
Views: 3184
Flag: Australia

Re: ESOC Posters Tier List

Unredact the F tier now! This is just another Deep State cover-up!

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