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by lukasl99
25 Apr 2015, 15:55
Forum: General
Replies: 25
Views: 1702
Flag: No Flag


by lukasl99
13 Apr 2015, 21:00
Forum: Archive
Topic: _H2O should make a Youtube channel
Replies: 30
Views: 2701
Flag: No Flag

_H2O should make a Youtube channel

calmyourtits wrote:Useful poll. Would be surprised if we get a single "No". Perhaps from Ryan himself ')
Haha I thought exactly the same thing. But maybe the poll should represent the "mass" of the people who want it since some might be too lazy to respond.
by lukasl99
13 Apr 2015, 20:59
Forum: General
Topic: An historical attack on Portuguese as a civ
Replies: 30
Views: 3101
Flag: No Flag

An historical attack on Portuguese as a civ

Im pretty sure that Ports lose to French in sup if both use their civs to max potential and in treaty French just rape Ports (well French are just the best in treaty by far). Also I think that cass are faster than usual skirms and have more ranged resistance (50%). Its really frustrating to play wi...
by lukasl99
13 Apr 2015, 18:11
Forum: General
Topic: An historical attack on Portuguese as a civ
Replies: 30
Views: 3101
Flag: No Flag

An historical attack on Portuguese as a civ

In AOE3 ports is like your GOTO civ for beating french especially in treaty. That is just ironically laughable as hell as I just described what actually happened when ports were facing threat of french invasion. So lets go through the units. Cassadores....the one unit that may actually be totally a...
by lukasl99
08 Apr 2015, 22:41
Forum: Archive
Topic: Political Compass
Replies: 27
Views: 2442
Flag: No Flag

Political Compass

[attachment id="283" thumbnail="1"]
by lukasl99
08 Apr 2015, 20:57
Forum: Strategy
Topic: Ways to deal with Spanish in treaty
Replies: 3
Views: 1421
Flag: No Flag

Ways to deal with Spanish in treaty

On andes art is the way to go vs Spain. Especially in natives, where you have extra anti cav (incas), forcing Spain into an art fight is the best way to win vs them. Their culvs get 114 attack with the missionary's bonus, which is enough to one-shot horse art but not culverines, that means spain doe...
by lukasl99
07 Apr 2015, 14:56
Forum: Strategy
Topic: Germany vs Spain awkward?
Replies: 93
Views: 6839
Flag: No Flag

Germany vs Spain awkward?

Hello guys, I've been playing lots of Germans in the past and I was fine vs any civ except a Spanish guy FFing, then sending 2 falcs and pikes. I feel like a cav semi FF is so awkward in this situation cause you end up with so many uhlans, don't have a cannon shipment and WW arent really that great ...
by lukasl99
06 Apr 2015, 00:44
Forum: Welcome board
Topic: Introduction thread
Replies: 408
Views: 47301
Flag: No Flag

Introduction thread

## General ## Age: 19 (Not 16, I actually don't know why I chose 99 back then) Country, origin: Germany Religion, ideology: Free of Religion Studies: Studying psychology at a university Job(s): Student Hardware details: Decent PC ## Likings ## Hobbies: Apart from gaming: meeting friends, playing dr...
by lukasl99
08 Mar 2015, 21:59
Forum: Group Stage
Topic: Group T - Scheduling
Replies: 14
Views: 1982
Flag: No Flag

Group T - Scheduling

I heard group stages ended at 20 gmt so i came online too late today. I still met GS and played a game (for fun) against him but nobody else out of our group was here today, so at the end of the day 0 games were played in out group. Who will advance now?
by lukasl99
07 Mar 2015, 19:39
Forum: Group Stage
Topic: Group T - Scheduling
Replies: 14
Views: 1982
Flag: No Flag

Group T - Scheduling

AH2468 hasn't been online since over a month now :/
by lukasl99
07 Mar 2015, 14:57
Forum: Group Stage
Topic: Group T - Scheduling
Replies: 14
Views: 1982
Flag: No Flag

Group T - Scheduling

I can play at most of the evenings, just tell me when you have time (sunday 20 sounds good I guess).
by lukasl99
15 Feb 2015, 01:34
Forum: Tournament Information
Topic: Sign-ups
Replies: 24
Views: 12186
Flag: No Flag


ESO Name: Lukas_L99
E-mail address: [email protected]
I agree with the tournament rules: Yes

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