since we have a slight break between tourneys, I was thinking about hosting a small fun tourney. ( ~8 players probs, excluding myself)
But whats the fun part? The focus on this tourney is using new/forgotten maps in the game, which got included in DE Dlcs but never got into the ranked mappool because they were too unique or non competetive.
Those maps can be competetive or lil trolly ones
E.g: competetive one: Tripolitania (old ep map) / Northwest Territory (old twc map)

Forgotten map: Yucatán / Lake Victoria

Lil trolly map: Black forrest / Yamal / Congo Basin

Those maps are just examples, but have high chances to be in the final mappool
With this post i wanna see, if the community is interested in such a format, personally i think its a good variety till the next main Esoc tourney begins. Aside from that, there are many maps which hasnt been noticed yet.
I'd put myself 50€ in the pot to make things more juicy, any help welcomed

Let me know what you think about that