Which type are you and do you like talkative opponents or not? Do you think it's rude to not respond to chit-chat during gamesh?
Background - I match with Passi in Quicksearch:
(Start of game)

Non-talkative tabben: *no reply*
Imo typing at start of game sucksh because you need to micro crates, herds, explorers, treasure guardians etc. And I'm already doing these things sloppy when I've not played much in recent months

(Mid-fortress age)

Non-talkative tabben: *no reply*
Passi: u r so talkative today
This question kind of demands a longer answer which I'm just not gonna bother with during the game lol. If i tried I'd prob just end up missing some unit batches, miss a raid or get caught out of poisiton and end up throwing my lead.
Game endsh, neither calls gg (i didn't since it's considered bm if you win and opponent didn't call gg)
So is it rude to go mute mode in QS or is it actually just a big brain habit adopted by honest players with integrity? Discuss below