Stream Cheating Accusation

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United States of America dicktator_
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Stream Cheating Accusation

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Post by dicktator_ »

I have no interest in dealing with cheating accusations, if enough people think that I cheated I'll simply stop playing the game (I'll play out my tournament matches, of course). To me, cheating is a very serious offense. I despise cheaters and I believe that people who cheat in multiplayer competitive games are among the worst categories of human. Honestly, I hate cheaters more than is healthy. This is why cheating accusations are very serious to me. I believe that cheating accusations should be made carefully, after MULTIPLE suspicious instances, and since it is a small community, the benefit of the doubt should be given if someone takes a strange scouting pattern and gets lucky once. I think that levying cheating accusations carelessly is insanely irresponsible and is a sure way to split the already small community. With that said, I'll defend myself once here:

What happened: I found swisherguts' explorer right as he was building his TP and killed it. I watch twitch streams while queueing sometimes, so I had swishergut's stream open in another tab, though if I have my opponent's stream open and I queue into them, I always close the tab or switch to another tab. I assume this is why I got accused of stream cheating, because swisherguts noticed that I was present in his viewer list. The VOD from my pov is here:

Why did I take that scouting pattern? I started scouting to the right, then turned back because I found a food treasure to the left of my base. I was considering taking the wood treasure to the right but decided to go for the food instead. After taking the food I decided to scout the closest blackmap, which just happened to be where his explorer was building the TP.

Why did I sperg out when I queued into him again and I realized he was actually accusing me of cheating? Firstly, because as I mentioned cheating accusations are very serious to me. Secondly, it was 1 AM and I had just lost 0-3 to jpc, so I wasn't in a great mood. Thirdly, because my brain works slowly (I'm not calling myself dumb, just slow) and it is hard for me to quickly organize my thoughts and say things coherently in the moment (this is even more true at 1 AM). Anyone who watches my stream notices the occasional word salad/word vomit that falls out of my mouth occasionally, and it's no surprise that I get more viewers when my mic is off. Also, I usually take scouting patterns without much thought, and I can't remember the scouting patterns that I took the game before. I had to watch the vod to remind myself where I walked and why. So yea, when I realized he actually thought I cheated, instead of calmly defending myself, I sperged out, said something along the lines of "I'M NOT DEALING WITH THIS", and logged off.

It's not that big of a deal I guess. In the worst case scenario, where the whole community thinks I cheated, I would simply stop playing aoe3, which is actually a pretty good worst case scenario.
steniothejonjoe wrote:I can micro better than 99% of the player base and that's 100% objective
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by LopsidedFluff »

I just watched the VOD and it's pretty obvious it was just a coincidence you went to that tp Swish was at and you happened to be aztec as well (Pokemon army age 1). Since you were both streaming at the same time it's also pretty obvious you weren't cheating as it would be pretty dumb to stream snipe while on stream, it's easy to tell as a viewer cause you would be stopping and starting, also as a streamer, you are interacting with chat so its really easy to tell you are not stream sniping. Also I think Swish was maybe just a bit mad and I know he has a bias against native civs.
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by look »

I always have the tab of my opponents who are streaming open, but incredibly the only one I see is the chat, this is not a problem, people should be aware of what is being done...
Don't worry, we all know everyone here.
No one needs a victory using stream snipe to feel better, not even when using a bot civ like port(+400elo)
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by aaryngend »

look wrote:
12 Jun 2024, 09:09
No one needs a victory using stream snipe to feel better, not even when using a bot civ like port(+400elo)
Oh yes they do. Don't underestimate what great lengths people go to to achieve petty goals even if that means to resort to stream sniping or other means of cheating. People with very fragile egos need any kind of push to said ego to feel better.
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Post by Guigs »

I feel bad for conq having to defend himself for that, there's literally nothing and I agree with lopsidedfluff.
Also atp ports vs aztecs ? with a hero half hp ? very brave vs a civ with 2 scouts and converted guardians
Rainbow Land callentournies
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by callentournies »

Streamers are being relentlessly stream sniped by normal gameplay. It’s an epidemic!

For some, cheating allegations are just jokez or they cannot cope with something not going their way, like every human opponent must act like a bot, because they do not know what playing not like a bot is (shotz fird).

Me too, I have succumbed.
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France iNcog
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by iNcog »

dicktator is not a cheater, never really had to think otherwise even if some no name accuses him of cheating
Garja wrote:
20 Mar 2020, 21:46
I just hope DE is not going to implement all of the EP changes. Right now it is a big clusterfuck.
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United States of America dicktator_
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by dicktator_ »

iNcog wrote:
12 Jun 2024, 16:07
dicktator is not a cheater, never really had to think otherwise even if some no name accuses him of cheating
swisher isn't really a nobody, pretty much everyone who plays DE qs knows him, he plays in ffp showmatches, and he has some standing in the community. It's not like osteoblaste where he accuses everyone and their mother of cheating and everyone knows that osteoblaste is an asshole so no one takes him seriously, and it's not like it's some random 1700 that no one knows either.
steniothejonjoe wrote:I can micro better than 99% of the player base and that's 100% objective
France iNcog
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by iNcog »

I've never heard of him though I admit I haven't been around a ton. You've been with the community a very long time on the other hand.
Garja wrote:
20 Mar 2020, 21:46
I just hope DE is not going to implement all of the EP changes. Right now it is a big clusterfuck.
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by Lukas_L99 »

Swisherguts seems to be quite an emotional and probably also impulsive player/person. dicktator wouldn't ever stream snipe.
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by harcha »

@swisherguts so what is it? were you wrong?
POC wrote:Also I most likely know a whole lot more than you.
POC wrote:Also as an objective third party, and near 100% accuracy of giving correct information, I would say my opinions are more reliable than yours.
Sweden tabben
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

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Post by tabben »

dicktator_ wrote:
12 Jun 2024, 05:52
It's not that big of a deal I guess. In the worst case scenario, where the whole community thinks I cheated, I would simply stop playing aoe3, which is actually a pretty good worst case scenario.
Yup, last guy this happened to now owns multiple luxury cars and makes thousands per week just from managing Onlyfans for hot girls, ripping money from sweaty aoe3 nerds
Rainbow Land callentournies
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by callentournies »

Swisherguts is a former 2150 Elo, top 10 player. A veritable household name!
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

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Post by gibson »

Who cares, several streamers in the community are well known to accuse people of stream sniping when the smallest coincidence happens. The people who believe that type of thing are not the same people who read these forums anyway, and people who believe that someone is cheating based on one or two "coincidences" ( it might even make perfect sense if you view it from the others persons POV or it could be chance) are not the type to be convinced by logic, since they weren't using it to begin with.
France Kaiserklein
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

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Post by Kaiserklein »

No serious aoe3 player could believe you're a cheater, no worries. I think basically everyone out here respects you and knows you don't cheat. Also anyone cheating on a video game, especially a dead game like aoe3, has to be a massive loser.

However, just wanna point out one thing:
dicktator_ wrote:
12 Jun 2024, 05:52
I despise cheaters and I believe that people who cheat in multiplayer competitive games are among the worst categories of human
There's about a thousand things that come to my mind that are worse irl than cheating on a fucking video game. Let's just keep that in mind, and "categories of human" is really not the kind of lexicon I like to read tbh.
LoOk_tOm wrote:I have something in particular against Kaisar (GERMANY NOOB mercenary LAMME FOREVER) And the other people (noobs) like suck kaiser ... just this ..
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United States of America dicktator_
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by dicktator_ »

Kaiserklein wrote:
12 Jun 2024, 23:36
No serious aoe3 player could believe you're a cheater, no worries. I think basically everyone out here respects you and knows you don't cheat. Also anyone cheating on a video game, especially a dead game like aoe3, has to be a massive loser.

However, just wanna point out one thing:
dicktator_ wrote:
12 Jun 2024, 05:52
I despise cheaters and I believe that people who cheat in multiplayer competitive games are among the worst categories of human
There's about a thousand things that come to my mind that are worse irl than cheating on a fucking video game. Let's just keep that in mind, and "categories of human" is really not the kind of lexicon I like to read tbh.
I was really emotional when I wrote that, ofc you and gibson are right. And yea I word things obnoxiously sometimes, I think it's from spending too much time reading Reddit.
steniothejonjoe wrote:I can micro better than 99% of the player base and that's 100% objective
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by ocemilky »

TR player has to cheat to be good at sup

Jokes aside, pretty poor form to accuse you of cheating based just off that situation. I'm sure many of us have streams open while playing, I know I do, if only the chat pop out to scroll through after the game for the lols.

I'm just guessing he was annoyed at his strat being thrown off, got a bit emotional and didn't realize you were streaming at the time.

Sucks you feel the need to quit if you kept getting accused - it would be a loss to the community. I know it just shows how passionate you are about the game, don't let it get to you. You've been in the spotlight in the aoe3 community for 10+ years already, people know who you are and know you're not one to stoop to stream sniping.

Keep up the good work mate
sergyou wrote:i won't even bother reply to ur posts anymore and id like u to the same and not quote me
howlingwolfpaw wrote:cognitive dissonance is what people suffer from when refusing to look at 9/11 truth.
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United States of America dicktator_
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by dicktator_ »

I’m not going to quit, at least not over the cheating accusations, this thread also showed me that there was no need to defend myself because all the people that have known me for years know that I would never cheat. If I didn’t want to deal with swisherguts' bad faith interrogation at 1 AM while macroing age 1, which I think is fair, I could’ve simply blocked him and continued playing. Someone did come into my chat and say “good riddance” when I logged off, so he managed to convince at least one person that I cheated, but like Gibson said not the type of people that would browse this forum.

Been thinking about what Kaiser said and there probably is something wrong with the way that I think, that can’t simply be excused by “oh well I was emotional when I wrote that”.
steniothejonjoe wrote:I can micro better than 99% of the player base and that's 100% objective
Sweden Hawk_Girl
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by Hawk_Girl »

dicktator_ wrote:
12 Jun 2024, 05:52
and it's no surprise that I get more viewers when my mic is off.
mic stream >> no mic stream imo. Also him saying you cheat says something about his own tilt, not about you cheating which you obv don't.
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by harcha »

dicktator_ wrote:
13 Jun 2024, 06:30
Been thinking about what Kaiser said and there probably is something wrong with the way that I think, that can’t simply be excused by “oh well I was emotional when I wrote that”.
It's worth thinking about. In this community you have social credit and it takes more than someone less known making one random accusation to change our idea of who is dick. He kind of put you in a lose-lose situation - either you address the allegation (most here would say that was not necessary) or let it fester.
POC wrote:Also I most likely know a whole lot more than you.
POC wrote:Also as an objective third party, and near 100% accuracy of giving correct information, I would say my opinions are more reliable than yours.
France iNcog
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by iNcog »

dicktator_ wrote:
13 Jun 2024, 01:35
I think it's from spending too much time reading Reddit.
I've noticed that I can be in a fairly good mood, browse ~5 reddit threads and then immediately feel like shit. If the news itself isn't really bad then the way people talk just drags me down. Reddit is truly not a good web service.
Garja wrote:
20 Mar 2020, 21:46
I just hope DE is not going to implement all of the EP changes. Right now it is a big clusterfuck.
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United States of America SoldieR
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

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Opened topic, saw it was dic defending himself, lost excitement for drama since it's obvious he wouldn't do anything of questionable character xD
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by princeofkabul »

yeah and who cares about accusations of garbage players in the first place lol
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United States of America swisherguts
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by swisherguts »

Oh wow there was a whole thread about this. Who's really the emotional one here the guy who literally asked "why did you go there. You passed up 80 wood treasure and walked completely across the map." Thats whats called a question, I did not say "nice stream snipe loser" or something. I asked him why he went there. Whats more unhinged, that, or insta resigning and going and making a forum post about it lol. I honestly didn't realize he was streaming and watched it from his POV later and was like meh okay sure....Weird and unlucky for me but 99% not a snipe
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Re: Stream Cheating Accusation

Post by swisherguts »

harcha wrote:
12 Jun 2024, 20:28
@swisherguts so what is it? were you wrong?
Actually im adding this whole posting to esoc to the "layers of sussy gussy" category. +1 sussy gussy stream snipe point awarded for the post. In addition to:

Finding 80 wood treasure with aztec pokemon army at lower right native TP on vistula basin. Don't take 15 seconds to get the treasure but instead walk to the opposite lower left side of the map. Proceed from there to walk entire pokemon army including eagle scout to the left most trade post(furthest from opponents starting tc). No wood has been gathered, no vills have been transitioned onto wood. We just have the overpowering intuition to park our Aztec age1 army at this tradepost for 90 seconds while gathering 200 wood rather than walking east and collecting 80 wood on the way to a different TP socket. Oh wow here's oppo explorer building his first ATP look at that. Good to know you had the tab open though we can add another +1 to sussy gussy

Sorry this cry baby post just makes me want to lean in to it

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