Difficulty in renaming and keeping recorded games (AOE3DE)

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Difficulty in renaming and keeping recorded games (AOE3DE)

Post by D_Antona »

Hey there, everyone.

I have returned to the game after 15 years without playing it and I'm having difficulty with the recorded games. First, my recorded games are always replaced by the most recent one, so the game doesn't seem to be keeping them. Also, if I go the folder and rename a recorded game to identify it later, it doesn't open anymore (it displays a message: "The recorded game is invalid"). At the time, I couldn't find a solution to the problem.

Does anybody know what to do?

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Re: Difficulty in renaming and keeping recorded games (AOE3DE)

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Post by aaryngend »

Yes, every 9th or 10th game you play that gets recorded will be overwritten by the next one if you don't rename them yourself. It counts to 9 or 10 and then the oldest recorded game wil lbe overwritten.
D_Antona wrote:
02 Jul 2024, 23:54
Also, if I go the folder and rename a recorded game to identify it later, it doesn't open anymore (it displays a message: "The recorded game is invalid"). At the time, I couldn't find a solution to the problem.
Does anybody know what to do?
I can imagine what went wrong: while renaming the file you accidentally removed the .age3yrec in the filename. Make sure to have "View File Extensions" enabled in Windows. Then you can name the recorded games as you wish like "MyFastRush.age3yrec".

Just make sure to not accidentally have .age3yrec twice or not at all in the file name and remove any dots before the extension (so no dots before or after .age3yrec, just to be on the safe side). File names like "My.Fast.Rush.age3yrec" are a no-go because the game doesn't know which . is used to identify the file extension and which one is part of the name.

Hope this helps !

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