Livestock with british

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Germany KaanHoca
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Livestock with british

Post by KaanHoca »

age 2 play is pretty out of fashion for good reasons even before the release of DE with EP patch probably,
so getting any reasonably efficient age 2 build got very hard.
And if there is any age2 build it's usually still pretty sustainable stuff and not really that big of an timing, just trying to slow enemy down not trying to win the game.

So my plan is having an very early timing attack with british making use of the cards fulling Mills (300% gatherrate Livestock) and 7x 250f Cows (age2) to get basically an 1400f shipment instantly instead of 700f, 600
only trade off is the 25sec later ageup due to TP start.

The problem is: no clue how to do an 700f, 600f musk rush I've just heard it from some old aoe3 players but basically never seen it in play because not competive in EP etc.
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Germany KaanHoca
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Re: Livestock with british

Post by KaanHoca »

would also ageup with naturalist for an 400f +2v ageup effectively (with stockyards)

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