Fully Playable Revolutions

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No Flag Ev0lution
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Joined: Feb 17, 2021

Fully Playable Revolutions

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Post by Ev0lution »

Have you ever wished that one of the many revolts present in the game were more accessible? You thought their bonuses and unique mechanics were interesting, but found the revolt method inaccessible? Then this is the mod for you! Take command of Twenty Five (25) civilizations in both single and multiplayer:

I've done my best to keep as many of the bonuses, mechanics, and cards as close as possible to the revolts, but made changes as necessary and reimagining things in the light I thought most like official civs.

As examples: None of the civs has 200pop limit from the start & all need to construct houses, any revolt with the Citizen card or equivalent has their settlers cost 70c, all revolutionaries start with reduced stats in age 2 but shadowtech each age, Death Hussar and Magyar Hussar are both Royal Guard upgrades, Hungarians and Romanians don't get their outpost wagon per shipment bonus until age II & Egyptians their mameluke until age III, the Mexican revolts get 2 of their federal cards in the age when you could revolt to them, Canadian villager damage increases each age instead of all at once, Americans and Peruvians get the General and Bolivar respectively at age III, French get an Eclaireur once they reach age II, and many others.

This mod is also intended to be compatible with my previous mod, Campaign Civilizations v2, so you can mix and match many different civs.

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