AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

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Serbia ShinkuroYukinari
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AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by ShinkuroYukinari »

Image ... -15-30007/

RIP Pillarless walls, you shall not be missed.
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Italy Garja
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by Garja »

Cover removed from shock infantry is huge and undeserved nerf imo.
AK classified as HI infantry makes no sense.
TEAM Ranged Infantry Attack (III):
Now improves Ranged Infantry damage only by +10% (down from 15%), but grants extra +5% to French and Hausa players.
Card renamed to TEAM Tirailleurs Sénégalais.
Here we go again with fancy supposedly historical accuracy changes :uglylol: meanwhile adding another upgrade for fulani? (not that I personally mind but why buff a good unit especially in its already best stat?)

Mexico salteador buffs is quite handy, now you can 700w 700c 5v 600w --> 7v revolt without missing the range upgrade

Azap ROF is akward should've kept at 1.5. Other than that cost and siege nerfs are fine.

5 poruchik card changes Russia early game entirely imo. Not sure it's a good change.

Overall, mostly good changes but some unjustified hate toward Aztecs and some bad decisions here and there.

By the way, update doesn't prompt for me, does anyone have the same problem?
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by helln00 »

Garja wrote:
14 Dec 2023, 16:04
By the way, update doesn't prompt for me, does anyone have the same problem?
the update happens automatically in the game, not on steam, so just open the game leave it for a bit in the menu and it udpates, if it doesnt then restarting the game and steam apparently helps
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Italy Garja
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by Garja »

Oh thx, ye I just figured out I have the changes installed so it updated at some point.
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Great Britain andrewgs
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by andrewgs »

old cost for pillar/segment 5w+5s = 7.5w
new cost for pillar 6w+1s = 6.5w
new cost for segment 6w+7s=9.5w

so pillarless walls are 27% more expensive but have 33% less hp
pillared walls 7% more expensive with same hp

idk doesnt seem like it changes much
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by alistairpeter »

Walls went from being basically free to right next to free, it's hard to even call it a nerf
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by iCourt »

Just glancing they either didn't add it to the patch notes, or didn't update the Portuguese Team Wall HP card to increase the base HP like they did with the Chinese card. Not anything huge, just noticed it.

The wall changes look good overall. I am a bit curious how it will impact treaty starts. You can either keep the pillars for higher hp, or continue to go pillarless to keep larger gaps from happening at the start.

Anyone test if you can re-add pillars after segment construction to regain HP afterwards?
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by dansil92 »

because they have no idea at all how their own game works, culverins now deal 17.5x vs galleons. Fucking dumpster fire of a meme patch.
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by dicktator_ »

iCourt wrote:
14 Dec 2023, 19:19
Just glancing they either didn't add it to the patch notes, or didn't update the Portuguese Team Wall HP card to increase the base HP like they did with the Chinese card. Not anything huge, just noticed it.

The wall changes look good overall. I am a bit curious how it will impact treaty starts. You can either keep the pillars for higher hp, or continue to go pillarless to keep larger gaps from happening at the start.

Anyone test if you can re-add pillars after segment construction to regain HP afterwards?
I don’t think it changed treaty that much. It’s a nerf to walls, they go down in 4 mortar shots instead of 5 and take longer to build, but despite that I think you want to keep deleting the pillars anyway. I guess one thing is that it might make it more worth to keep the pillars vs running civs or players that love to slip explorers and vills through gaps.
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by Mitoe »

iCourt wrote:
14 Dec 2023, 19:19
Anyone test if you can re-add pillars after segment construction to regain HP afterwards?
You can, though adding them to longer walls probably isn't realistic, and for shorter walls it might actually be more efficient to just create a 2nd layer rather than add pillars.

I think it's a good change overall though - it adds some decision making at the highest levels of play, but ultimately if you don't want to care about deleting pillars it's no longer a straight up detriment to your play.

Although you may still want to strategically delete pillars in your walls in some areas to prevent people from killing the entire wall by attacking each adjacent wall piece with 1 unit :hmm:
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by helln00 »

Has anyone tried cooking with the new dutch changes?

Dutch East India Company in age 1 means you can maybe start with a TP to get an additional shipment, then tasking envoys to building banks instead of using vils and you save0 500 res from the bank boom

the explorer can also build envoys so you can speed it up without wasting TC work time.
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Serbia ShinkuroYukinari
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by ShinkuroYukinari »

helln00 wrote:
15 Dec 2023, 05:05
Has anyone tried cooking with the new dutch changes?

Dutch East India Company in age 1 means you can maybe start with a TP to get an additional shipment, then tasking envoys to building banks instead of using vils and you save0 500 res from the bank boom

the explorer can also build envoys so you can speed it up without wasting TC work time.
Definitely gonna cook with them over the weekend. Dutch have so many good first card options it's crazy.
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Serbia ShinkuroYukinari
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by ShinkuroYukinari »

Btw, has anyone noticed performance issues stemming from Pillared walls? Knowing 3DE devs they added a small aura to each, and with so many of them...
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

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thanks god they have finally nerfed ports a bit.
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Indonesia arivus
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

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Post by arivus »

Every other aoe 3 patch there is gonna be
-tweak for Azaps
-nerf to Aztec
-and Dutch receive a new type of Musketeer
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by ocemilky »

helln00 wrote:
15 Dec 2023, 05:05
Has anyone tried cooking with the new dutch changes?

Dutch East India Company in age 1 means you can maybe start with a TP to get an additional shipment, then tasking envoys to building banks instead of using vils and you save0 500 res from the bank boom

the explorer can also build envoys so you can speed it up without wasting TC work time.
You thinking 12/10 or even 10/10 with trickle? Or chop/treasure for house?

Would be keen to hear what people think. I'm unable to play for couple of weeks
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by helln00 »

ocemilky wrote:
18 Dec 2023, 01:36
helln00 wrote:
15 Dec 2023, 05:05
Has anyone tried cooking with the new dutch changes?

Dutch East India Company in age 1 means you can maybe start with a TP to get an additional shipment, then tasking envoys to building banks instead of using vils and you save0 500 res from the bank boom

the explorer can also build envoys so you can speed it up without wasting TC work time.
You thinking 12/10 or even 10/10 with trickle? Or chop/treasure for house?

Would be keen to hear what people think. I'm unable to play for couple of weeks
after a few tries i think its chopping for a house, 12/10 is just not enough of eco in transition to collect food and wood for the banks and I feel you idle way too much.

overall though not impressed with it, you get a bit of shipment tempo due to the TP and efficiency but you are slower due to the need for 100 wood for house
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by ocemilky »

helln00 wrote:
18 Dec 2023, 17:13
ocemilky wrote:
18 Dec 2023, 01:36
helln00 wrote:
15 Dec 2023, 05:05
Has anyone tried cooking with the new dutch changes?

Dutch East India Company in age 1 means you can maybe start with a TP to get an additional shipment, then tasking envoys to building banks instead of using vils and you save0 500 res from the bank boom

the explorer can also build envoys so you can speed it up without wasting TC work time.
You thinking 12/10 or even 10/10 with trickle? Or chop/treasure for house?

Would be keen to hear what people think. I'm unable to play for couple of weeks
after a few tries i think its chopping for a house, 12/10 is just not enough of eco in transition to collect food and wood for the banks and I feel you idle way too much.

overall though not impressed with it, you get a bit of shipment tempo due to the TP and efficiency but you are slower due to the need for 100 wood for house
do you end up aging with 16 vills and does that let you get 2 banks during transition?
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by helln00 »

ocemilky wrote:
18 Dec 2023, 22:53
helln00 wrote:
18 Dec 2023, 17:13
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after a few tries i think its chopping for a house, 12/10 is just not enough of eco in transition to collect food and wood for the banks and I feel you idle way too much.

overall though not impressed with it, you get a bit of shipment tempo due to the TP and efficiency but you are slower due to the need for 100 wood for house
do you end up aging with 16 vills and does that let you get 2 banks during transition?
Yes 16 vils is still the best and no you cant get 2 banks in transitio n and its why I think its very meh tbh unless im missing something. What it allows you to do is take the 400 wood from the age up and the 600-700 shipment (total 1700 wood) and save about 200 wood from it building the remain 4 banks you build and get whatever you want (barracks, house, market) and save a bit of vil time since the envoy can build it

It doesnt get ur bank boom up any earlier.
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by ocemilky »

So I guess you're swapping out 1 bank wagon for the cheaper bank card, slower age up but slightly more eco and xp?
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Rainbow Land callentournies
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by callentournies »

No it’s horrible. Your banks are later and you’re down a card and you’re aging later.
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by ocemilky »

callentournies wrote:
20 Dec 2023, 22:14
No it’s horrible. Your banks are later and you’re down a card and you’re aging later.
I thought so too then watched a game Lion casted the other day

no TP, 10/10, insanely quick 5 banks and potential to go 7 bank in age 2 pretty easily. 6.3k HP banks keep them pretty safe, maybe shipping CM would keep you kinda safe from earlier pressure.

I'm frothing to try this out. Never work retail at Christmas time if you want to play games!
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by callentournies »

@ocemilky "insanely quick 5 bank" I see 3 banks at the time you normally have 5. 5th bank comes down like a minute late and you're -3v for? More bank hp and 400 res in bank savings. That's always the issue with altering anything about the dutch boom: it's optimized by optimizing banks which is already optimized with a certain number of vills and crates, crates order, and nothing you can really do changes that.

I suppose in some MUs since aoe3 late game is not veri balanced you can sacrifice eco for more hp on banks if youre doing some no units buildsh. Not trying to knock the change it's a very fun change but not something to think will gain you elo

Take it from me, a youtoob famous g*mer, that these games posted in reality are 100 games and you get lucky once, then ego post that sucker to be ridiculed until time end. It doesn't say much about the strat
If I were a petal
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New Zealand ocemilky
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by ocemilky »

callentournies wrote:
29 Dec 2023, 00:45
@ocemilky "insanely quick 5 bank" I see 3 banks at the time you normally have 5. 5th bank comes down like a minute late and you're -3v for? More bank hp and 400 res in bank savings. That's always the issue with altering anything about the dutch boom: it's optimized by optimizing banks which is already optimized with a certain number of vills and crates, crates order, and nothing you can really do changes that.

I suppose in some MUs since aoe3 late game is not veri balanced you can sacrifice eco for more hp on banks if youre doing some no units buildsh. Not trying to knock the change it's a very fun change but not something to think will gain you elo

Take it from me, a youtoob famous g*mer, that these games posted in reality are 100 games and you get lucky once, then ego post that sucker to be ridiculed until time end. It doesn't say much about the strat
Fair point on how already optimized Dutch is, only worth it if you can actually get the banks up earlier which as you say may not be the case. You're really 5v down instead of 3v since you go 10/10 as well - again, would only be worth it if you can max out banks even earlier. Envoy building banks is kinda fun though. Even going 700w 600w church and market buying your way to the coffee trade banks, timings might not be worth it. Kinda fun to think about having 7 banks in a reasonably smooth unit-less BO lol.
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Re: AOE3DE Patch for Build 15.30007

Post by MaxMagous »

to be fair I have 100% winrate with EBB (Envoys Building Banks for the illiterate) (1/1 games vs pro Inca blayer (broken civ)) therefore it must be good
look wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 08:55
Kaiserklein wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 07:42
Well nvm, none of these dates work for me
who care? unfortunately, one must decide to be an aoe3 pro or not

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