What a shame. There are currently 6000 people in game on steam, so many fantastic streamers and competitive content. It really felt like the game was going places still and this is arguably the best position Aoe3 has eve been in. But anyway, maybe it's just time for another fan patch...
'I'm gonna win this and I'm just gonna enjoy it' - Tibia 2k18
We have enough stuff and it takes them years to balance items.
If I were a petal
And plucked, or moth, plucked
From flowers or pollen froth
To wither on a young child’s
Display. Fetch
Me a ribbon, they, all dead
Things scream.
i also feel like... good. the sooner the devs stop regularly updating / changing the game, the sooner there will be a settled, long-term meta, which will mean that it will be harder and harder to win on the ladder or in tourneys just because you are the most up-to-date on whatever is most broken in the current patch, which will mean that mechanics and general rts decision making will increasingly be the deciding factor over arcane game knowledge. so then maybe we can get back to competitive tournament play. constantly upsetting / turning over the meta kills competitive gameplay
What did they announce to be included in the DLC? I never saw the announcement, I think.
Rumours suggested that they would have released Poles and Danish civilizations.
I don't mind no more civ DLCs, the game has more than enough content, hopefully this means they can continue with regular updates. Feature and UI updates are more welcome than the 10th gimmicky civ.
It's funny how the devs put in the ability to report child abuse in every aoe game but what they do is just that.. child neglect. From neglected step-child to abandoning.
Maybe another ESOC patch is on the cards now?
It is heavily implied that they will stop updating aoe3 balance for a while now
"Whilst we will not be moving forwards with this DLC content for Age III: DE, we will continue to maintain servers, rotate civs through the free trial version, and provide Customer Support for any issues you may encounter whilst playing."
Frankly, I'm shocked. The fine people at Forgotten Empires worked many long hours making aoe3 de such a well balanced and bug free experience, I can only imagine how they must feel seeing all that hard work not put to use with a new DLC which many thought was going to redefine what it means to be an RTS game (and to competitively play an RTS game, competitively). While the DLC and 2 new civs are not coming, at least we got this new image from Microsoft!!! how cool @bwinner
There are enough civs, so I'm not really sad about the cancellation of the DLC. What this game needs are UI updates. Implement the Legacy UI mod into the game and fix stupid bugs.
I'm a bit worried about the fact that they do not say anything about releasing future updates though.
Well less civ op to deal with, instead of the DLC they can improve the user interface, game performance and the spectator mode which is almost worse than the previous one. Friends list and clan category do not make sense on this game.
Anyway it is a farewell message 100% that we will not receive updates or if they will be generous 1 a year, the servers being that they have to do maintenance for the other games of the saga I do not think it will cost them anything, the rotation of the civilizations will be put automatically as they did for those of the profile icons and the assistance well at least must remain.
It is time for the modders to take over the game to return to the amateur competitive and we hope that there is a coherent and numerous budget team to discuss the progress of the meta that is not favored for a few but for everyone.
When you dream there are no rules.
Anything can happen.
Sometimes there is a moment as you are awakening.
When you become aware of the real world around you.
But you are still dreaming.
You may think you can fly but you do better not try.
People can fly.
Idk if this is a piece of good or bad news for the game. New civs aren't necessarily good or well designed, Mexico for example is terrible in every possible way (its coexistence with the Aztecs, its units, multiple revolts with absurd eco bonuses, even the flag)... and Danish plus Poles coming would mean other civs would feel like missing like Austria. About what the game needs I won't repeat what @MCJim said, 100% agree.
Consider not the one who speaks the truth, but the truth that is said
It's bad news because it means they are reducing resources spent on the game. It could be better in short term for players because it means a more stable game, but in the long term end of support is not too far
POC wrote:Also I most likely know a whole lot more than you.
POC wrote:Also as an objective third party, and near 100% accuracy of giving correct information, I would say my opinions are more reliable than yours.
Turns out Microsoft doesn't do charity. Shocking, I know
POC wrote:Also I most likely know a whole lot more than you.
POC wrote:Also as an objective third party, and near 100% accuracy of giving correct information, I would say my opinions are more reliable than yours.
It's already disrespectful enough to the real AOE3 to have an equal number of DLC civs to Vanilla civs, outnumbering them 10-8 with knock off AOE3 civs would make the game more unrecognizable than it already is.
What did they announce to be included in the DLC? I never saw the announcement, I think.
It was going to be Denmark(-Norway) and Poland(-Lithuania)
I don't mind no more civ DLCs, the game has more than enough content, hopefully this means they can continue with regular updates. Feature and UI updates are more welcome than the 10th gimmicky civ.
They are stopping development on the game, there will be no more patches. The regular updates are payed for by DLC.